When one is truly incompetent and knows it, sometimes the only 
protection from getting fired (or impeached) is a thin blue line (or 
party-loyalists you can easily hire and blame later).

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Unfortunately, true. He reminds me of the Thin Blue Line with the 
police.  I always am amazed at how some cops feel that other cops 
need to back them up when they do wrong. I get the whole idea of 
trust, being able to put your life in your partner's hands if need 
be. But sometimes cops forget that their primary goal is to serve the 
*people*, and that a cop who's violated our trust isn't worthy of 
protection. Same with Bush. He and his gang are our servants, not the 
other way around, and he should be surrounded by people who remind 
him to do what's right by us, not by his narrow definition of right 
and wrong.
> -------------- Original message -------------- 
> From: "g123curious" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> In 6+ years, what I see is W doesn't hire deep thinkers or the 
> brightest folks. W hires party-loyalists who are either connected 
> have given money to said campaign... folks who "drank and continue 
> drink the cool-ade." People who follow the party ideology blindly 
> until they get impaled on a fence while wondering, 'where did that 
> fence come from?' Only then do they change course, and only then 
> reluctantly while blaming the Dems, Clinton, and everyone else.
> George
> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
> Jesus Christ, where does Bush keep finding these idiots?? I don't 
> care if bin Laden was *only* capable of putting forth a few tapes a 
> year, he's still an ideological danger. Don't care if he's tied to
> a dialysis machine 24/7, if he can't set foot outside his cave (or 
> compound, more likely), he can still rally the faithful who
> subscribe to his beliefs. Doesn't this idiot lady get the root
> causes of 9/11 and so much of the hatred America faces in the
> world? Does she not get that pure military might is the least of
> the obstacles we face in the world. Absolutely amazing she can make
> such a dumba** statement.... 
> *********************
>> Homeland Security Adviser Dismisses bin Laden as "virtually 
>> impotent"
>> WASHINGTON - Seemingly taunting Osama bin Laden, President Bush's 
>> homeland security adviser said Sunday the fugitive al-Qaida leader 
>> is "virtually impotent" beyond his ability to hide away and spread 
>> anti-American propaganda.
>> The provocative characterization came just days after bin Laden 
>> attracted international attention with the release of a video in 
>> which he ridicules President Bush about the Iraq war and reminds
>> the world that he not been captured.
>> Ahead of the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist strikes, 
>> White House aide Frances Fragos Townsend made a clear attempt to 
>> diminish the influence _ or the perception _ of the man who 
>> masterminded those attacks.
>> "This is about the best he can do," Townsend said of bin 
>> Laden. "This is a man on a run, from a cave, who's virtually
>> impotent other than these tapes."
> <snip>

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