>From what I understand about "Bionic Woman", the choice of a younger actress
is integral to the basic story. It's not just a remake, but an update.

It's important to note that the most successful franchise on TV is Law &
Order, and generally, they like their women to be GROWN.

As for the other shows, I think the teen fixation (and let's be honest,
it's really a teen FEMALE fixation, which, at this point, is just creepy.)
is about over. It's clear to me that there have been some very old men in
decision making positions, who were pulling a Patrick Stewart ( see that
Extras episode) and just wanted to see young girls around. There's no other
explanation for it. The casting of Lois Lane in "Returns" was just silly.
Katie Holmes is now Mrs. Katherine Cruise, Hollywood wife, bad actress, and
mother. Whoever that girl is in "Transformers" is as much in high school as
*I* am. Even the kids on Disney Channel and Nick are growing up. I think
we've seen the end of an era.


> I'd add that she not be too young. I'm starting to tire of this fascination
> with very young and young-looking women. "Buffy" was cool, but now there seems
> to be a real push for the young, vulnerable, barely out of her teen years
> woman. Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane is a prime example. She looks and acts like
> such a little girl I was completely turned off by the character. The original
> actress who played Diana in "V" was 30 when the series aired. They need to get
> someone that old. Frankly, I dont' care what Hollywood thinks: "older" women
> work better in some roles, the same way men do. Frankly, a Diana who's well
> into her 40s would make more sense as the leader of an entire invasion force
> than some squeaky voiced girl barely into her 20s.
> By the way, although the age difference isn't as bad, I have somewhat the same
> problem with "The Bionic Woman". Lindsay Wagner was 27 when the original
> series aired. The new star is just 23...
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: Daryle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I do not claim to speak for all of the men in our group, but uhm...pouty and
> sexy in the red suit ? I¹m sorta FOR that. So long as it¹s a tight suit and
> she¹s not blonde...I¹m good. She¹s a bad guy. I just need Diana to look
> good and eat a mouse. It can be a mini-series for all I care, just please
> give the empty calories and give some up and coming actors some work. It¹s
> V. It won¹t be a Harlan Ellison script. Hell, not even a Warren Ellis
> script. It¹s gonna be ³A leader who is charismatic and powerful lies to the
> masses about his/her intent to take over a small country in the middle
> ea---er, planet. A filmmaker/journalist (hmm) discovers the truth and goes
> on a mission to expose the regime. He is captured. He escapes. The people
> make noise. But the people are American, and so the regime does what it
> wants anyway.² We¹ve not only SEEN this when it was done originally, we
> watched Karl Rove remix it in real life.
> All I ask is that they not make Diana blonde, and they can count on me for
> at least three episodes.
> On 9/11/07 12:38 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In a message dated 9/11/2007 11:30:37 AM Eastern Standard Time,
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:yokozuna%40globalsoulmedia.com> writes:
>> Everybody knows that the star of the V series is Diana. Cast her wrong, and
>> the show¹s useless.
>> Which is why it will be horrible. Diana will be pouty and sexy. She will walk
>> around and bark orders. She will be ugly in the face with fish lips. She will
>> be a young girl not a woman. It won't last.
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