I watch and record Legion of Superheroes like it's "Days Of Our Lives". I
am completely hooked on it.

I bought the Fantastic Four animated series on DVD because for one thing  I
hate watching commercials when I watch a TV show with my son. Also, as I've
said a million times, I love Fantastic Four and must own everything from the
Corman film to the Tim Story movies. My son is 4 and enjoys this series
quite a bit. I showed him the older series, and he's just not with it.
(interestingly enough, though, he ONLY respects the old Max Fleischer
Superman series.) His favorite character is Johnny and one thing I have to
say, the new series gives Johnny the wise cracks that make him cool. I
personally hate the design and music for this show,  but I was prepared for
it when it came out.

The Batman looks wonderful, but I just don't have time to watch it.

Same with Avatar. Isn't this series on DVD?


> I know this is long (what else do you expect from me?). I posted this a year
> or so ago, and thought it'd be timely now, with new series premieres of The
> Batman, Avatar, and Legion of Super Heroes. The first big paragraph under each
> is what I said about the shows last year; the "Followup" lists my updated
> thoughts and show info, if I have it.
> I'm curious if any of y'all have seen a couple of new cartoons this season, or
> are watching returning ones:
> Avatar - Nick, Fridays at 8:30 pm, reruns (sometimes a week behind) Saturdays
> from 11 - 12 noon
> http://www.nick.com/all_nick/tv_supersites/avatar2/
> MUST WATCH!!!   I liked this show from the start. Despite its sometimes
> anachronistic language and youth-oriented writing, its concept of Benders
> manipulating the four classical Elements, and a reincarnated Avatar saving the
> world, intrigued me. The moments of drama and action more than compensated for
> any kiddiness in the show. Trust me though: it's getting much, much better.
> Ang has learned that he has less than a year to learn Bending of all the
> elements and defeat the Fire Lord. A fiery comet is approaching the world,
> whose flame will make the Fire lord all but invincible, and Ang must be ready
> before then.  Prince Zuko and his uncle are starting to question the goals of
> the Fire Nation. The mythology of the series is being fleshed out more. (Check
> out the above link, which details philosophy of each of the Bending arts, to
> see what I mean). New Benders are encountered all the time, including whole
> cities full of them, such as Ba Sing Se, where the trains are run by Earth
> Bende
> rs pushing the stone vehicles on stone rails with their powers.  The stories
> are getting more mature, the danger and stakes, increasing. Still not enough
> Bending for me, but man, when Ang lets loose in Avatar mode, watch out!  Truly
> one of the best cartoons on TV.
> Followup: Ang has been betrayed and must grow up emotionally and in terms of
> his powers to defeat the Fire Lord. All the characters are growing and
> changing. New season is going to be something.  In the meantime, wanna see
> something great? At the above link, click on each of the four icons˜Earth,
> Air, Fire, and Water˜at the corners of the screen to see some detailed info
> about each of the Bending arts. And then, click on the Video selection from
> the menu. Be patient for the ads, then click on the video icons for each of
> the Bending Arts. They‚re all based on real life martial arts, and you‚re
> given a short example of each. Absolutely amazing. You have *got* to get into
> this show and check out the new season tomorrow: it‚s great action!
> Legion of Superheroes - CW Kid's WB? Saturdays at 10:00?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legion_of_Super_Heroes_(animated_series)
> Character pics can be found here:  http://www.kidswb.com/kids/video?vid=legion
> (Not sure of the time) Say what?? Legion goes back in time to recruit Superman
> for help against the Fatal Five, but end up going further back and getting
> young Clark Kent, who's still learning to use his powers. Clark can't even fly
> when they contact him. Though he does learn, he's about as unstable in flight
> as the Greatest American Hero. Strong though: he lifted 3,000 tons during a
> test.  Clark is quickly inducted into the Legion after helping defeat the
> Fatal Five. The show's premise is that he'll hang out in the 31st Century
> helping out for a while, and then be returned back to his time only minutes
> after initially leaving. The first show was decent, if you overlook the rather
> basic animation. The characters have been changed somewhat, such as the now
> completely robotic Brainiac 5. Evidently there's some legal issues with the
> show, as young Clark has dubbed himself "Superman", *not* "Superboy".
> Followup:  Caught me completely off guard. I‚ve really grown to love this
> show, which is actually very good in terms of action. It‚s not at all kiddie
> as I feared. The animation and stories aren‚t quite up to Batman or Justice
> League animated standard, but still very, very good. Bouncing Boy is now
> leader, and the stories dealing with his self-doubt are good. All the old
> classic Legionnaires are there, good and bad, from cool ones like Sun Boy and
> Ultra-Boy, to goofy ones like Matter-Eater Lad and Chlorophyll Kid. They even
> have two Black members, Tyrok (I think: the guy with the sonic powers) and
> Star Boy (who was white in the comics) The season finale had the entire Legion
> fighting the Sun-Eater, which was awesome. New season starts this Saturday,
> with a Superman-clone from the far future who has a greater suite of powers
> than the current one. Looking forward to it.
> The Batman - CW Kid's WB? Saturdays at 10:30?
> http://www.legionsofgotham.org/BATMAN.html
> New season, new music, new opening scenes, season premiere this Saturday.
> Robin has joined the show, in an episode that was fairly mature and graphic in
> terms of his parents' murder by Tony Zuco. Batgirl is also evidently a regular
> this season. I hated the premiere last year, grew to appreciate it somewhat
> (though still not as much as Batman: The Animated Series).  It‚s not half bad,
> just not as well-written or mature as that great previous series.  There‚s a
> lot of action, but at the expense of good dialogue and writing, to my mind. A
> tricky thing to make a superhero cartoon that‚s not just action and flash, but
> the first series managed to do just that. It‚s also still a change to deal
> with a Bruce Wayne‚s who‚s not always bitter and moody. This is a younger
> Bruce, who can still laugh and joke in his civilian life˜even in private with
> Alfred. I guess, looking at this series and the movie „Batman Begins‰, the new
> writers‚ idea is that years of fighting crime takes its toll, makin
> g Batman ever grimmer in his private life, not just when wearing the cape and
> cowl. I‚m also not keen on the way some of the villains are presented this
> time around, such as the strange, leaping Joker, who seems less human somehow.
> And there‚s a bit too much reliance on techno gadgets at times (again,
> suffering by comparison to its predecessor).   If the original series had
> never aired, I‚d consider this a perfectly acceptable, typical action cartoon.
> Followup: To slightly amend what I said just now, the show‚s Batman seems to
> be getting slightly darker and grimmer (yay!) Still a bit too much kiddie tone
> when Robin and Batgirl (both too young for my liking) joke, but it‚s not a big
> deal. Batman has met Martian Manhunter and the Justice League, and this season
> will feature a great deal of interaction with the JL. Now on my list of
> must-see animated shows∑
> Fantastic Four - Cartoon Network, Saturdays at 11 am and 8 pm
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantastic_Four_%282006_TV_series%29
> Interview with creator Chris Yost:
> http://news.toonzone.net/article.php?ID=12212
>  Another "Say what???" This caught me completely off guard. I heard not a peep
> about this new series, and happened to catch it accidentally two weeks ago. So
> far I've seen one two eps.  I think the animation's done by the same people
> who did the "Men in Black" cartoon, which I loved, but it‚s not as good. Many
> fans have called the animation a faux anime style, and most seem to hate it,
> comparing it in some cases unfavorably to the „Aeon Flux‰ cartoon‚s clook.
> The two shows I saw were only  fair so far. Action's a little too fast-paced
> in a too-rushed-to-be-enjoyed kind of way, and the stories aren't as engaging
> and developed as, say, Justice League at its best. Even more than „The
> Batman‰, this one strikes me as a by-the-numbers superhero cartoon with lots
> of action but not very sophisticated writing and plots. Again, that ain‚t
> necessarily a bad thing, but once you‚ve had the best∑  I'll probably give it
> another few viewings, but not a must-see in my book.  Frankly I‚d watch the
> old 60s FF before this one. Remember? It‚s the one where Reed had that
> curiously gruff voice, the Thing yelled „It‚s clobberin‚ time!‰ just about
> every ep, and Sue screamed „Oh Reed!‰ whenever danger struck. That one
> perfectly captured the corny-but-cool melodrama that so typified Marvel Comics
> back then.
> Followup: Sucks. Weak, boring, possibly worse than the horrid movies. Bad
> attempt to update and „modernize‰ characters that didn‚t need it. Not even
> sure it‚s still on , but no loss.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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