Sounds great.   But when does this series hits the american Discovery 


In a message dated 9/22/07 12:23:12 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> great, now I have to juggle this with Ken Burns' "The War", and I already 
> have three VCR tapes filled with stuff  i need to watch!
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: "Brent Wodehouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> .html
> 'Race To Mars' series realistic
> By BILL HARRIS - Sun Media
> Michael Riley is relieved there are no Martians in Race to Mars.
> "There are no drooling aliens to be thwarted running around the ship,"
> said Riley, the veteran Canadian actor who stars in Race to Mars, a new
> and expensive dramatic mini-series that debuts Sunday on Discovery.
> "There is no Monolith on the surface when we land. There are no apes, no
> Statue of Liberty. And I like that. It's a straight-ahead account of man
> meets technology."
> Indeed, Race to Mars arguably is the biggest endeavour in the history of
> Discovery.
> A product of Montreal-based Galafilm Inc., Race to Mars will air in a pair
> of two-hour segments, this coming Sunday and the following Sunday.
> Race to Mars is set in the year 2030, when an American-led expedition to
> Mars by six international astronauts finds itself in a race to the red
> planet with the Chinese. It doesn't seem so long ago that space
> exploration was all about the U.S. versus the Soviet Union, but hey, times
> change.
> "I vividly remember being glued to my grandmother's television set
> watching Neil Armstrong take those momentous first steps on the moon,"
> said Riley, 45. "I think that probably kindled a lot of young
> imaginations. It definitely did mine. I always was into astronomy and
> physics. I was into the Cosmos stuff and was a fan of Carl Sagan. So that
> definitely has been a part of my life, for sure.
> "The whole idea about this manned Mars mission is very planned and has all
> these incremental steps. It seems that if the political will is there,
> we're going to be watching this thing for real on our plasma TVs a few
> years down the line."
> Speak of the devil, a six-hour companion documentary series, Mars Rising,
> will premiere on Discovery on Oct. 7, a week after Race to Mars concludes.
> Narrated by William Shatner, Mars Rising will explain the science behind
> such a complex and perilous undertaking as a manned mission to Mars.
> Combined, Race to Mars and Mars Rising had a budget of more than $20
> million.
> "We had umpteen advisers around for the research period - I'm kind of a
> fanatic for that anyway and these guys topped me," said Riley, who plays
> Commander Rick Erwin. "They were very adamant about making this as
> authentic as possible.
> "We got to meet Marc Garneau (Canada's first man in space) and I got to
> meet Jerry Linenger (retired NASA astronaut), so it was a nice opportunity
> for us to steep ourselves in that world."
> Riley ultimately sees Race to Mars as something of an ironic title.
> "The great irony is, it can't be a race," Riley said. "It can't be like
> the Apollo program.
> "Although countries like China and Russia are doing their own thing and
> coming up with their own designs, in the end, come 2030, it's such a huge
> undertaking both financially and technologically, there's no way one
> country can soldier it. There's something kind of fitting and poetic about
> that. It does have to be a global effort.
> "It's mankind making this great leap. It's not, 'Can Russia get there
> before America?' Especially in talking to a lot of the astronauts I got to
> meet, that very much is where their heart is."
> Besides Riley, Race to Mars also stars Pascale Bussieres, Frank Schorpion,
> Lothaire Bluteau, Claudia Ferri and Kevan Ohtsji.
> And starring as the corny, goofy Martians ... nobody.

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