I was JUST about to forward this article. I caught it in Ad Age.

What a crock. How about this demographic is tired of seeing Ben Stiller do
the same movie over and over again? BY this logic, there should have been a
massive firing of 18-34 year olds due to the release of Halo 3. I know many
many people who own and play this game but STILL made it out to see "Why Did
I Get Married", or took their kids to see High School Musical on ice.

The problem isn't Halo, the problem is a tired formula that works better on
HBO than it does on a big screen for $10 a head.


On 10/18/07 10:31 AM, "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"

> Some industry analysts are blaming the release of the videogame Halo 3
> for the current dive in movie ticket sales. Advertising Age has observed
> that over the Oct. 5 weekend, after Halo 3 had sold $300 million worth
> of copies, the box office was down 27 percent below the same weekend
> last year -- the worst performance for an October weekend since 1999.
> Over the same weekend, The Heartbreak Kid, which some box-office gurus
> had predicted would make up to $30 million, brought in only $14 million.
> "The audience on this game is the 18-to-34 demographic, similar to what
> you'd see in cinemas," Mike Hickey, an analyst at Denver research firm
> Janco Partners, told AdAge, adding that the box-office slide "could last
> for several weeks."
> http://www.imdb.com/news/sb/2007-10-17/#3
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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