Blade 2 is cheesy? More cheese please.

I know Snipes legal troubles and onset behavior are the main reasons 
he won't get to play the role again but I hate the Hollywood trend of 
casting for "young and hot." 

If it was a perfect world I'd cast Michael Jai White. I imagine he's 
too old for Hollywood and not bankable enough but he has the perfect 
skillset to play Blade.

I don't know if I would do a complete reboot but they may have 
painted themselves in a corner after the last movie. Maybe they need 
to have him face a non-vampiric big bad to shake things up.

--- In, "Tracey de Morsella (formerly 
Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Blade Remade?
> Franchise reboot may be in the works.
> by IGN Staff
> October 26, 2007 - Could there be a new, reworked version of 
> Blade headed to the big screen? Initially, the thought of a Blade 
> franchise reboot sounds kind of crazy, but when you think about it, 
> first film in the series is already almost 10 years old. And with 
> later films in the franchise becoming increasingly cheesy, maybe 
> not a bad idea.
> The website reports that just such a move is 
> plotted right now in Hollywood. A source for the website contends 
> the "comic property" (we assume this means Marvel and/or the 
> team currently working on the comic) is pushing for the redo rather 
> New Line, who may or may not be involved.
> Marvel is currently attempting to relaunch the Hulk franchise in a 
> similar fashion, which could have them feeling their oats and 
> for other stale properties to freshen up.  The Blade do-over 
> could also be fueled by the hot-as-fire vampire movie trend that 
> won't let up (see Underworld 3).
> - New Line
> Blade: Trinity was likely Snipes' swan song.
> Were there a new school version of Blade launched, Wesley Snipes 
> undoubtedly be replaced in the lead role. Who would you like to see 
> his shoes? And what do you think of the Blade reboot whole idea in 

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