I hated Enterprise until Xindi. I thought killing off trip was a great way
to mature the show. I recently saw the final episode and decided it wasn't
as bad as I originally thought. Why? Because, as TNG episodes go...the
third season of Enterprise is awesome. You can plug ENT season three in as a
a holodeck program running in between bad TNG season 5 episodes, and all is

As far as a series reboot goes, I believe it should be in movies. 6 years of
movies. Everyone (including Paramount) seems to have forgotten that these
are also epic adventure stories. Let's see some space! Star bases! Tight
tunics and miniskirts! Er, I mean, some new worlds where there's no air and
the natives don't speak English! I think the best series directors
(especially Dawson, Burton, and Frakes) should take the best stories and
tell them. Nobody has cried at Star Trek since Spock died. It's really time,
I think, to  make these stories big again. And,  it's time to  follow the
books. Even if it means doing "New Frontiers" stories...the books are so
much better than anything  that's been on screen in years, it's time to stop
improvising and use the playbook.

On 11/12/07 1:19 PM, "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"

> I thought the Xnidi was an improvement, but I agree it got tiresome and
> the change of the timeline kept getting in the way of my accepting the
> whole story premise.  I forgot, that I missed the WWII story this time
> around - I was not buying that either.   I hated trip dying.  He started
> off as one of my least favorite characters and ended up, along as the
> doctor, being one of my favorite.   T'pol...don't get me started
> I think your list for trek reboot series is really good - I like all of
> their work alot. I would add six more possibilities.  Ironically, They
> have all worked together at one time or the other.
> Manny Coto
> Rene Echevarria
> Robert Duncan McNeill
> Roxann Dawson
> Jonathan Frakes
> Tim Kring - I know he is messing up now, but he has owned up to his
> crimes  :)
> Combined they run episodes of voyager, DS9, 24, Outer Limits, Odyssey 5,
> Strange World, 4400, Now and Again, Next Generation, Now and Again,
> Roswell, First Contact, Chuck, Crossing Jordan, Supernatural, Medium,
> Dead Like Me, Heroes, Lost, and Charmed,
>> Yeah, "Enterprise" started out with some good stuff, was boring at
>> times, lost me with the whole freakin' Temporal Cold War (you know how
>> many times i've railed against the incredible overuse of time travel
>> in Trek), bored me with the Xindi storyline until the end, pissed me
>> off with that stupid Nazi's and aliens taking over America WWII crap,
>> and really, really pissed me off by unceremoniously killing Trip, and
>> giving us the worst finale of series since the OS (which was the silly
>> "Turnabout Intruder"). I was never a fan of T'Pol, may be alone among
>> men in not finding her sexy in the least (fake chests don't do it for
>> me, and i didn't think she had all that great a body).
>> Ronald Moore might have done a good reboot of Trek, but what about Ira
>> Stephen Behr, who was mostly responsible for the Dominon War story and
>> the prominence of the Bajoran culture in DS9? Indeed, how about
>> getting the whole DS9 writers/producers back together: Moore, Behr,
>> Robert Hewitt Wolfe--and see what they could do with a Trek film?
>> -------------- Original message --------------
>> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"
>> <mailto:tdlists%40multiculturaladvantage.com>>
>>> I rewatched the whole series over the summer. I thought the last two
>>> season were decent and there were some decent episodes interspersed
>>> throughout season one and two - but it was extremely uneven and there
>>> were a lot stupid stuff it took them a while to get rid off. ie. the
>>> naked gel disinfectant massages. Other stupid stuff they seemed stuck
>>> with. ie. "the permanently pouting Vulcan with the swollen lips"
>>> ---what a oxymoron or a captain who was so uptight is seemed like he
>>> never got any action--even when he did.
>>> I still say he is trying to do a Ronald Moore. Too bad they did not get
>>> Moore to helm the reboot of Trek
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:KeithBJohnson%40comcast.net> wrote:
>>>> at least in its last season, "Enterprise" did a number of great
>> shows,
>>>> so I agree with you.
>>>> -------------- Original message --------------
>>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:GWashin891%40aol.com>
>>>> Well it looks to me like Abrams may have the possiblity of doing more
>>>> damage
>>>> to ST continuity than Enterprise did. Sheesh. Hasn't anyone
>> learned that
>>>> one can updade a movie without wrecking continuity.
>>>> -GTW
>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:keop7%40aol.com> wrote: "Daryle"
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:yokozuna%40globalsoulmedia.com>
>>>> darylemlockhart
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Well, that makes it official. This movie sucks. Time to give
>> Woody Allen
>>>>> movie #12 so we can just pack it in and go home. They may as well
>>>> have left
>>>>> Berman in charge. Has JJ Abrams SEEN Star Trek?
>>>>> J.J. Abrams just loves putting his "stamp" on established
>> material. This
>>>>> reminds me of the "Superman" script he wrote where Lex Luthor also
>>>> turned
>>>>> out to
>>>>> be Kryptonian. That didn't go over too well with the fanboys
>> either.
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