Nah. I¹m gonna pass on Beowulf. I feel like, either do a live action movie
with big name stars, or do an animated feature. It worked at first because
they were using big name actors to  get  people in to see animated features.
But now people already know what to expect so  they come. If I wanna see a
movie with Angelina Jolie in it,  I wanna see Angelina Jolie. Not a
rendition, not an interpretation...I wanna see HER. Otherwise give the gig
to Cree Summer. It¹s time for one of these CGI or animated movies to  star
Cree Summer. 

On 11/15/07 11:36 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

> Anyone plan to see "Beowulf"?  I'm intrigued by the story, but frankly a
> little leery of the visual technology Zemeckis is using. The so-called "Polar
> Express" look, layering CGI-like effects over real life capture images, simply
> looks a little--creepy to me.  One problem I have with so much standard CGI
> movies like "Final Fantasy" or any of the myriad kid flicks, is that the
> humans often don't look real. They're stiff, facial and body muscles not
> smoothly or realistically drawn. The technology's getting better, true, but
> right now some of the characters look like walking corpses.  Some of the
> scenes I've seen from "Beowulf" are no different. Though better looking than
> "Polar Express", the characters still look stiff and dead to me.
> Wonder why they didn't go with live action and then special effects like LOTR,
> or a live action/animation/CGI mix like "Sin City" and "300"?
> And i gotta admit, everytime I see the title character yell "I--am--Beowulf!"
> I keep thinking of Leonidas' "This--is--Sparta!" and i laugh.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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