First question/point: I am aware that most career polticians would be
opposed to this. It's not an issue of liberal or conservative
support. It's an issue of being a good idea. I am neither liberal nor
conservative and I am neither republican nor democrat

Second Question/Point: The cnadidates would pay for their own ad
production and media outlets would be required to run them free of
charge as part of their liscensure agreements through the FCC.

Third Question/Point: I am unaware of any point of socialism or
communism that keeps Party Officers and Officials in the same pay and
status brackets as civil servants and members of the armed forces.
The idea is less that they have different job functions and more that
they are in public service and should be afforded the same
considerations and benefits. The current system insures that the
country is ruled by a money and influence powered elite. Ending
unnecessary and improper perks for career politicians would level the
playing field. Then perhaps the lie we've all been told that in
America anyone can be anything they want might be closer to true. If
you call that communism, that's your perogative but I think of it
more as eliminating an unfair advantage of the privileged class.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 1/30/2008 2:39:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
> I'm a proponent of the some the following ideas to change
> government.
> End Corporate and business campaign contributions of all kinds.
> Make
> them illegal. Limit personal campaign contributions to a very small
> amount.
> The liberal democrats could never do that? 
> End all gift giving or corporate sponsored trips for
> politicians. Curtail campaign advertising and limit the spending.
> Garauntee equal TV access for all candidates. 
> Who is going to pay for it. Taxpayers?
> Make elected positions of leadership on the same payscale as other
> civil service jobs like postal workers. End the fat retirement
> programs and bring them in line with all other government workers.
> Make retirement benefits equal to time on the job. two term
> senators
> should not be getting better retirement benefits than a postal
> employee who served 25 years or a career Armed Forces officer.
> They dont make laws. This is sociallism/communism. 
> **************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in
> shape.     
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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