yeah, I agree. And this whole mindset that big movies make it big in the summer 
because kids are out of school, people see more movies during Labor Day and 
Fourth of July is crap. True, you have times where people can see movies during 
the day since school is out. And yes, people go see films during holidays. But 
again, if he movie is *good*, people will see it any time of year. For example, 
they always talk about the August doldrums, a time period during which no one 
sees movies and studios drop most films that they don't have too much invested 
in for the most part. Yet August is still the summer, kids are still out of 
school, so why is that such a bad time? Temperature? No, there are lots of 
parts of this country that are okay in August and you're inside in a cooled 
theatre anyway.  Lots of films released in August have done well, including The 
Bourne Ultimatum, Rush Hour 2, The Sixth Sense (major because it was from a 
then unknown writer/director), Talledega Nights, and others.

I'm a strong believer in putting out a good product, marketing it, and the 
people will find it. And frankly, in the summer months I'm actually more loathe 
to sit inside a theatre, preferring to be outside enjoying nature. Winter is 
when i like sitting inside a warm theater to be entertained--but I don't demand 
only high brow Oscar fare during those months either. Give me comedy, scifi, 
magic, monsters, drama, big films, small indie films. Long as they're good I 
don't care what the calendar says.

I'm continually amazed at how a trend or belief system can be created and then 
become self-fulfilling. 

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
I agree with you, Keith. Doesn't anyone in H'Wood see that such competition 
between big movies can only kill one or more of the competing movies?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Mistake to my mind. I was looking forward to a winter 
release. They better hope there's not even more competition during the summer 
blockbuster season, or it'll tank.
Have I mentioned recently that i *hate* this artificial system of releasing 
only certain movies at certain times? A great movie will bring in the audiences 
at any time. Oscar hopefuls shouldn't have to only get released during the fall 
and winter. Summer shouldn't be the domain of big-budget FX heavy flicks. I can 
remember seeing some of my favorite movies of all time at all kinds of odd 
times of the year.

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Trek Moved To '09 
> Paramount on Feb. 13 pushed its highly anticipated Star Trek movie to 
> May 8, 2009, from an original Christmas 2008 release, to take advantage 
> of the summer box-office season, according to The Hollywood Reporter. 
> "Star Trek is moving to summer because its has so much box-office 
> potential," Paramount spokesman Michael Vollman told the trade paper. 
> "It does not need any script tweaks. They're two-thirds of the way 
> through shooting, and we would have delivered a great movie at Christmas." 
> Trek is one of several films the studio has shuffled to new dates now 
> that the writers' strike has ended. Trek's shift is reportedly unrelated 
> to script or cast considerations. 
> Replacing Trek on Paramount's holiday 2008 schedule is the Brad 
> Pitt-Cate Blanchett fantasy film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, 
> which moves to Dec. 19 from Nov. 26. 
> Case 39, meanwhile, moves to April 10, 2009, from Aug. 22 of this year. 
> And Nowhereland, an Eddie Murphy fantasy comedy previously set for Sept. 
> 26, now will bow June 12, 2009. 
> Yahoo! Groups Links 

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