Actually, that is why I did it.  Chris and I had a fight.  When that 
happens, we try to walk away and come back together after we cool off.  
I needed to kill a few hours, and take my mind off stuff, so I drove up 
to the theater.  Jumper was about to start, so I chose it.  It took my 
mind off of stuff.  I know you got more serious stuff going on, but it 
is just what the doctor ordered.  I went with very low expectations so I 
enjoyed it and went home to make up with Chris

> i've had several people tell me to stay away from this movie at all costs. 
> But I really need a fun time waster to take my mind off some things. Is it at 
> least a good popcorn flick Phyllis and I can lose ourselves in for a couple 
> of hours without feeling regret?
> -------------- Original message -------------- 
> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I saw it. It definitely was not theater worthy, but I think it would be 
> a great TV show. I love the teleportation concept and some of the 
> mythology and laws were good too. Unfortunately, it came across like a 
> pilot movie for a scifi tv show. To mad it is not a tv series
> ravenadal wrote:
>> To me, teleportation has always been the coolest of all superpowers. 
>> Couple it with a "proximity sense," keen hearing (so you can hear 
>> when a shot is fired and teleport an instant before it gets there), 
>> or just plain "common sense" and you have one heck of a skill set!
>> ~rave!
>> --- In, "DJ VIBE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> On Feb 15, 2008 6:31 PM, ravenadal <ravenadal@> wrote:
>>>>> There is a scene in the new Jumper movie (no, I have not seen 
>>> it)
>> ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>> where the hero is watching the aftermath of the Hurricane 
>>> Karina on
>>>>> his television. He gets dressed and London, 
>>> where he
>>>>> has a date. So much for great responsibility coming with 
>> great 
>>> power!
>>> It was right in keeping with how his character was established in 
>>> the movie, although for a moment there I thought he might think of 
>>> using his abilities for good. 
>>> Overall, I found the movie pretty good, with one exception. How 
>> the 
>>> hell did the Paladins continually catch jumpers? Its one thing if 
>>> you get the drop on one, but if you're standing in FRONT of one who 
>>> is fresh and the jumper sees you and you try to get him with your 
>>> stun-wand, how are you gonna get him? In less than three minutes, 
>>> my wife and I came up with several ways to use a teleportation 
>> power 
>>> offesinvely (i.e. teleport in a circle around your opponent a la 
>>> Nightcrawer. et. al) and in all of those cases we came up with, no 
>>> normal human would have a chance against a jumper.
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