UPDATE: According to trade reports, exec producer Joel Silver, along 
with what's left of the Moonlight writing team, will oversee production 
of the show's four remaining episodes. If Moonlight gets renewed for a 
second season, a new show-runner will be sought at that time. We now 
return you to the original story....

More backstage drama at Moonlight — and the timing couldn't be worse. 
I'm told that Chip Johannessen has been let go as show-runner just as 
the freshman drama is fighting for a second season. The search is on for 
a replacement.

This is the second major regime change for the cult fave; over the 
summer Johannessen replaced David Greenwalt, who vacated his post for 
health reasons.

The behind-the-scenes upheaval may explain why Moonlight was 
conspicuously absent from CBS' litany of renewals last week. It's 
unclear what impact this will have on the four post-strike episodes that 
the network just commissioned, which are slated to begin airing on April 
11. But rest assured, when I know you'll know.

In the meantime, weigh in below with your thoughts on Johannessen's 
exit. I'm guessing you're not happy about it.

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