got really confused trying to hack through the thicket of the above
paragraph.  Took me a couple of readings to realize you had swallowed
the Republican propaganda about Obama being soft on terrorism because
he actually wanted to talk to lawfully elected leaders.  Truly
remarkable anyone would believe anything the Republicans have to say
in light of how badly they have mangled the economy and America'
stature in the world.  
Talking to Hama is not an option 
Talking to Hezzbolah is not an option 
Obama had to back pedel because he got in trouble with the Isreal and Jewish 
groups. What makes you think that they will allow him to get away with that?  
Jimmy Carter tried to talk. He allowed the hostages to be taken. He was weak. 
He was a punk. Going to speak to Hamas and Isreal make him look stupid. 

The "raising taxes" boogie man is equally amusing.  Of course, the
Republicans don't raise taxes - they lower them, mouth pious
platitudes and continue to spend like drunken sailors.  
Kind of like those Democrats who control the Congress t

grandchildren's grandchildren will be saddled with paying off the
Bush/Cheney deficit.
Something that Clinton did not do. I guess Bill was not that bad. 

I already know what the Clintons did in office.  Everytime the going
got hard - they cut bait and ran.  The Clintons had a chance to stock
the Federal judiciary with moderate democrats and instead let the
Republicans stonewall them until Bush became president.  What did Bush
do?  Stock the Federal judiciary with conservative republicans.  These
judges serve for life. 
I don't have a problem with him. They have made decisions that I don'thave a 
problem with. Even the liberal judges have sided with them. It was the liberal 
judegs that said it was okay for the goverment to take your property for 
public use. 

I don't know how Obama will perform in office - but at least he will
arrive in office unbeholden to anyone but the millions of average,
hardworking Americans who financed his campaign.
He will have to pay back Corporate America. They put him in office. He will 
also have to pay off the oil companies. They can destroy him. 


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