what's your myspace url?

--- On Fri, 6/6/08, Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Revisiting Flyfly - Senenity
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, June 6, 2008, 5:31 PM

Why didn't it survive, Tracey?

One word.


Sure, it was one odd, clunky show at times. But walk down any street in America 
and ask people whether they're Browncoats, and watch the cadence of their 
speech shift accordingly. I have a MySpace page, and one of the regular 
bloggers I subscribe to went so far as to change the title of his blog, from 
his own name to Musings of a Browncoat. Firefly/Serenity comic books are big 
sellers, so I'm told. I regularly get e-mails froma group that's been 
petitioning since Firefly went off the air for a movie. Getting Serenity only 
revved up their efforts.


May they end in thirst. Whoever wrote that line in "The Ice Pirates" is going 
to own every check I get for the next sixty years...

Tracey de Morsella <[EMAIL PROTECTED] aladvantage. com> wrote: They are 
showing Firefly all day today. I became a fan by the end and I
love the movie, but I must confess that I hated it in the beginning.
Watching it all day today, I think I now know why I hated it and why it
flopped. It's the hard western angle. I get the western frontier symbolism
used to explain the sociological aspects of terraforming, but I think they
took it way too far for the demographic they were targeting. Most people
under 50 are not big western fans and I feel going so hard with the western
angle is was distraction from the stories and acting. I remember watching
the first two episodes when it first premiered and being so caught up in
what I felt were inconsistencies and loud glaring stereotypes that I could
not hear the story being told. I tuned out and did not tune back in until
the end of the season. Part of the problem is that the stories were not as
good in the beginning and the over the top western distractions I believed
chased potential fans away before they could discover what a great series
it was. 

What are your thoughts? If you disagree about my Western Overkill theory,
tell me why you think it did not survive.

As I watch some of the episodes that I did not get a chance to see in first
run, I feel rather sad at the lost of such a cool show. On the other hand
I'm anticipating his new series

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"There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut, "A Man Without A 

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