That doesn't really answer my question. 

--- On Sat, 6/7/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] FW: Open Letter to Certain White Women Threatening to 
Date: Saturday, June 7, 2008, 1:50 PM

In a message dated 6/7/2008 1:22:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] com writes:

Are there women, white or otherwise, really threatening to vote for a pig 
like Mccain because Obama is "sexist?" Can we offer them some hemlock?


A woman ran for vice president. Many people were uncomfortable with the idea. 
They thought a man with a woman vice presidnet was weak. Albright and Rice 
were seen as female dogs. Yes black men did not like rice because she was a 
woman. A woman has to be tought and gentle. A man does not hve that problem. 
Black men have their own issues. However they are still men. They are still 
of the old boys network. 

The sma people who want the first lad to be quiet. Are the same people who 
do not want a first husband. Eliazbeth Edwards, Theresa Kerry, Hillary Clinton 
have all be paitned female dogs and told to shut up. Michell Obama will 
understand that soo enough. ( Not evrtything is racial). 

When Clinton cried, she was seen as not one fo the boys. She could not handle 
the pressue. I know of black men who did not like Condi Rice or because she 
was seen as a on emtional dog. 

Time Wise is an white guilt idiot. If you don't vote for Obama then you are 
a racist. If you don't support everything that Obama says, then you are a 
racist. Race guilt is far more senstive than gender guilt. You can tell a woman 
to quit complaing if she wants to become presidnet. You can not tell a black 
perosn that without becalled a racist. 

There are those who are Obama fans because they don't want a white person is 
office. There are those who are voting for Obama because they don't like 
white women. There are those who juthink a woman should be president. (alot of 
those are women) There are those that just don't like Clitnon. 

White people and everybody else can vote for anyone they damn well plese. You 
can't keep on laying the race guilt trip over people. 

As for switching their vote, so what. Blacks have said that they would switch 
their vote if Clinton became the presidential nominee. Obama supporters in 
general said that they would do that. 

you don't win these people back by shaming them. 

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