There's another learn-something-new-every-day moment. This article speaks of 
his "almost-middle European attitude toward the world". Apparently, that was 
good enough to fool me, because I would've sworn that he *was* British.

I remember his work fondly, because it was one f the few SF authors that were 
available in the pathetically-stocked library in the town where I grew up. 
Another great loss to SF.

ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                    ,0,1972869.story
 Algis Budrys 1931 ~ 2008
 Tapped human side of science fiction
 By Trevor Jensen
 Tribune reporter
 June 11, 2008
 Algis Budrys wrote deeply intellectual science fiction that grappled
 with the motives behind human behavior, and he taught the craft of
 writing to hundreds of students through seminars and workshops.
 Mr. Budrys, 77, died of metastatic malignant melanoma Monday, June 9,
 at his Evanston home, said his son David.
 Known to friends as "A.J.," Mr. Budrys' books, particularly 1960's
 "Rogue Moon" and 1977's "Michaelmas" are highly regarded by critics
 and students of the genre. His work explored "the way a person feels
 or develops, more than with wild space adventures," said his wife, Edna.
 "A lot of his books are about identity, who we are and why do we do
 what we do," said Charles Brown, editor of the science fiction
 magazine Locus.
 The plot of "Michaelmas" touched on computer hacking and domination of
 human behavior by machines, "which pretty much predicted a lot of
 what's going on today," Brown said. "He was well ahead of his time."
 "He had an interesting, almost middle-European attitude toward the
 world. He spent more time thinking about what could go wrong than what
 might go right," said Frederik Pohl, an acclaimed science fiction
 writer who at various times was Mr. Budrys' agent and editor.
 Mr. Budrys was born in the former Konigsberg, a city then in East
 Prussia, where his father was stationed as a Lithuanian diplomat. The
 rise of Adolf Hitler—Mr. Budrys' wife said he never forgot seeing the
 German leader standing up in an open car as it roared through a
 crowd—led the family to relocate to Paris, then New York City.
 At 6, Mr. Budrys discovered science fiction in the funny pages of the
 city's newspapers, despite his parents' order that he not read such
 strange material. But he was hooked, and by 9 was turning out his own
 Mr. Budrys attended the University of Miami and Columbia University in
 New York, dropping out not long after selling his first story to a
 science fiction magazine. "He decided he knew more than his teachers,"
 his wife said.
 They married in 1954 in a ceremony attended by writers including Isaac
 Asimov, relatives said. He was a productive writer early in his career
 who used pen names to cover that he often had multiple stories in
 publications such as Astounding Science Fiction, Galaxy and If.
 Like many writers, though, he eventually needed a day job. In 1961, he
 moved to Evanston to work as an editor with Regency Books. He later
 held editing positions with Playboy Press. From 1969 to 1974, he was a
 public relations account manager in charge of International Truck for
 Young & Rubicam.
 That job got him involved with four-wheel-drive truck racing. He also
 was a bicycle mechanic, building his own bikes with top-end French and
 Italian components. That hobby led to a book, "Bicycles: How They Work
 and How to Fix Them."
 Such down-to-earth hobbies flew in the face of the science fiction
 stereotype. "He was not geeky," his son said.
 Mr. Budrys' writing output slowed during the years, in part because he
 was a deliberate writer—"he took forever sometimes," his wife said—and
 because he became more involved in teaching and working with L. Ron
 Hubbard's Writers of the Future Program. He was for many years the
 coordinating judge of that program for young writers, which he
 insisted distance itself from Scientology, a practice to which he did
 not subscribe, his son said.
 Mr. Budrys' teaching schedule took him to workshops at many colleges
 and universities, including Harvard in Massachusetts and Pepperdine in
 California. He also was a busy reviewer of science fiction, and a
 collection of his critical work was published as "Benchmarks."
 Other survivors include three more sons, Jeffrey, Steven and Timothy;
 and two grandchildren.
 Visitation will be held from 3 to 9 p.m. Friday at Donnellan Family
 Funeral Home, 10045 Skokie Blvd., Skokie. A service will be held at 10
 a.m. Saturday in the funeral home.
 Copyright © 2008, Chicago Tribune

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