
'The Incredible Hulk' stars Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, Tim Roth and 
William Hurt
Rating: 3 stars (good)
By Michael Phillips

Tribune critic

June 13, 2008

What do you know? A credible Hulk.

"Incredible" overstates it, but "The Incredible Hulk" finds a viable 
way to retell an old Jekyll and Hyde story, dating back to the early 
1960s and a Cold War that inspired its share of unruly Marvel Comics 
misfits. The film establishes a tone and the dramatic stakes 
necessary to support that story. In the realm of cinematic 
superheroism, that's saying something. And in its 
noisy "Transformers"-mayhem fashion, the movie's pretty exciting.

Five years ago director Ang Lee's brooding, melancholy "Hulk" played 
in theaters to an indifferent mass audience. Five years? Nobody 
remakes a comic-book superhero project that soon. Yet this new 
version, directed by Louis Leterrier, plays the story for keeps 
without putting anyone on the couch, while heaping on the crushing, 
body-slamming death matches the average 13-year-old sociopath will 
lap up like Gatorade.

Speaking as a 47-year-old who wasn't that into the Hulk when he was 
13 (I was too busy with Proust and "Dirty Mary Crazy Larry"), I was 
pleasantly surprised by the viability of the latest iteration, 
starring Edward Norton as the man with the gamma ray eyes and the 
rage issues. Norton, who reportedly retooled Zak Penn's screenplay, 
may be shown in silent, Christlike suffering once too often--this is 
assuming Jesus was green and bulgy; some theologians disagree--but 
like Robert Downey Jr. in "Iron Man," Norton's the right 
idiosyncratic choice for this kind of project.

The film flies through the back-story in its opening credits. 
Fleeting, chaotic images of scientist Bruce Banner (Norton) 
undergoing experimental gamma-ray treatment reveal a fiasco. Banner 
believes the treatments will be for the Greater Good, but they're 
being conducted on behalf of Evil, in the form of a secret U.S. 
military weapons project. Having tasted blood and big-boy tantrums as 
the Hulk, Banner goes undercover, a fugitive from justice.

The story proper begins with Banner down in Rio, hiding out from the 
military brass among the throngs on the hillsides, working on his 
anger-management techniques, working at a bottling plant. Why Rio? 
Because Rio is a terrific locale for a chase, with Banner leaping 
from rooftop to rooftop, pursued by William Hurt's Gen. Ross and his 
special-op fighters.

Like Norton, Tim Roth isn't a Central Casting choice for a comic-book 
movie. The British actor plays Emil Blonsky, tool of the U.S. 
military (he was a KGB weasel in 1967, when Marvel introduced him) 
who becomes The Abomination, foe of Hulk and ordinary citizen alike. 
I find Roth to be a predictable ham in a lot of pictures, but 
sometimes a new context frees up an actor to try other things, and 
in "The Incredible Hulk" Roth works more effectively than he has in 

The two most elaborate action sequences take up a good chunk of the 
running time. One pits Banner/Hulk against the ops on a university 
campus. The other--the film's climax--has Banner willingly 
transforming into the Hulk in order to vanquish the Abomination, 
who's stompin' at the Savoy, metaphorically speaking, as he trashes 
half of Harlem. Leterrier, who brought 10 tons of greasy flashy style 
to "Transporter 2," may be a sap for the sudden slow-mo change-up. 
But until the last 20 minutes, which stumble around in an attempt to 
set up a sequel, "The Incredible Hulk" keeps slamming everything 
forward, satisfyingly.

Two points about the soundtrack. One: The volume levels of the 
WHAM!!!! KRRRAAANGGG! BOOOOMMPH! effects are best described 
as "ouch!" Two: "The Incredible Hulk" features the dullest musical 
score of the year. Perhaps these two factors cancel each other out. 
At any rate, Norton is an interesting enough actor to flesh out 
Banner's Jekyll-and-Hyde dilemma. I have no idea how much the actor 
meddled with the script. But it works. As for Liv Tyler, the 
general's daughter and Banner's ex, well ... she's OK. She never 
really does enough one way or the other to tip a film in any 
direction. Primarily, opposite the thin-lipped Norton, she brings 
enough of her own lip to share close-ups with all four of the 
Fantastic Four, let alone one green giant with a blackout temper and 
stretchy pants for all occasions.


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