


'The Happening' is M. Night Shyamalan's latest
Rating: 1 1/2 stars (poor-fair)

By Michael Phillips

Tribune critic

In M. Night Shyamalan's "The Happening," there's something in the 
air, or the parks, or something, that causes people to stop whatever 
they're doing, slide into a trance and commit suicide. That same 
cryptic something apparently also causes talented writer-directors to 
forget how to seduce an audience.

Shyamalan has had a rough streak, what with "The Village" and "Lady 
in the Water" and now this. True, "The Happening" rests on a workable 
premise, and the writer-director of "The Sixth Sense" manages a 
handful of isolated creepy images illustrating this mass-suicide 
notion. Early in the film construction workers hurl themselves off a 
tall building, one by one. Later, a group of survivors drives into an 
empty city, and the sight of tall ladders leaning against trees is a 
prelude to an arresting sight.

Later still Betty Buckley, as a rural survivor of the unexplained 
viral attack, does something entirely natural to her though startling 
to us: She smacks the hand of a little girl reaching for a cookie.

Otherwise the movie grinds along, solemnly, and it feels an awful lot 
longer than its 90 minutes. Playing his first full-on ninny, Mark 
Wahlberg is the high school science teacher who evacuates 
Philadelphia along with his wife (Zooey Deschanel), his fellow 
teacher ( John Leguizamo) and his friend's daughter (Ashlyn Sanchez). 
To the country! We'll be safe there! Wahlberg and company form a 
ragtag band of brothers and sisters, determined to survive. We know 
trouble's coming whenever the breeze picks up and the grass starts to 
sway. It's so not frightening, it's frightening.

The characters are either gasbags or forgetful. No matter how many 
dead bodies turn up on the road, someone tells someone else to close 
a window or get inside or something, and the response, always, is 
this: "Why? Is something wrong?" The picture, shot in cinematographer 
Tak Fujimoto's trademark overcast tones, provides a full array of 
suicide methodology, delivered with a doleful air: gunshots, the 
aforementioned plummeting, needles in the neck and death by rider 
mower (!). In the film's one true moment of two-exclamation-point 
camp, we watch a zookeeper feed his arms to a lion!! Let me amend 
that: !!!

After the insufferably dense mermaid mythology of "Lady in the 
Water," Shyamalan clearly wanted to keep things simple. He whizzed 
straight past "simple" to simplistic: Wahlberg and Deshanel's 
marriage is supposed to be on the rocks (something about her having 
dessert with a co-worker—?!?), and he wanted kids but she didn't. 
Still, if there's one thing grisly unexplained phenomena are good 
for, it's marriage counseling. I admire "The Sixth Sense" and most 
of "Signs," but I don't get what has happened to this filmmaker's 
storytelling instincts. "We can't just stand here as uninvolved 
observers!" the saucer-eyed Deschanel says at one point. True enough. 
In "The Happening," the roles of the uninvolved observers will be 
played by the audience.

- - - - -
MPAA rating: R (for violent and disturbing images).
Running time: 1:30.
Opening: June 13.
Starring: Mark Wahlberg (Elliot Moore); Zooey Deschanel (Alma Moore); 
John Leguizamo (Julian); Betty Buckley (Mrs. Jones); Ashlyn Sanchez 
Written and directed by: M. Night Shyamalan; photographed by Tak 
Fujimoto; edited by Conrad Buff; music by James Newton Howard; 
production design by Jeannine Oppewall; produced by Shyamalan, Sam 
Mercer and Barry Mendel. A 20th Century Fox release.

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