LOL at James Brown!  HIT me!  I understand the mystical suspicions.  But the
I had at Warrior Training never went there.  She was extremely practical,
Soothing, direct...and when Yoga was over, she was the wildest dancer in the

Imagine...Yoga at 6AM, dancing at 6:30AM...ahhhh, new experiences.

I have learned in the past year to try, then decide.  And because of this,
I've had some
Really excellent experiences which, for the first 60 years of my life, I
missed because
Of suspicion and fear.

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Maurice C. Jennings
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-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Astromancer
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 5:17 AM
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Five Top Methods of Meditation: An Introduction

I can relate to the seperated shoulder thing...but I could never get into
yoga because of what sounds like seudo-mysticism in the way the instructors
teach it...I just stretch...I'd rather run to relax...Meditation to me is
simply shutting out the world and clearing my head...Don't listen to
me...been blasting James Brown all day...

"I am me," said the stranger, "and I work for the ones who pay my fee...and
that's not you." - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

--- On Mon, 7/14/08, Reece Jennings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Reece Jennings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Five Top Methods of Meditation: An Introduction
Date: Monday, July 14, 2008, 9:27 AM

Keith, my introduction to Yoga was in 1977 while healing from a separated
shoulder (football).
The only thing my doctor would say was that I would never be able to swing
my right arm over my head again. No surgery. Thank God for insensitive
doctors! I bought a book, Richard Hittleman's "YOGA 28-day exercise plan".
Being a hermit-type, I didn't take a class (didn't want to be embarrassed,
actually). This book changed my life, and my health status. I bought an
updated version a few years ago.
The book ascribes to Hatha (physical) Yoga, but spends a lot of time and
positions in the meditation and benefits thereof (thereof?). 

Also, last year I experienced "Enlightened Warrior Training Camp", and we
had YOGA (Your Own Greater
Awareness) sessions each morning before we embarked on what I can only call
experiential mayhem each day.

The Reverend Doctor Louise-Diana conducted each session, and I learned that
we draw from each other's energy in classes. So kudos to you for attending
classes, my friend! 

I'm still more comfortable with Dr. Diana's DVD and my sessions alone. 

www.innerfitness. com

Inner Fitness teaches strategies and skills for authentic living through the
integration of yoga, hypnotherapy and spiritual counseling. It is with deep
sensitivity and power, that Inner Fitness works to facilitate healing and
empowerment for individuals, communities, small businesses and corporations.
Custom-tailored programs can consist of private sessions, motivational
lectures, corporate seminars and healing retreats all of which support the
paradigm of bringing people closer to their personal path while meeting the
challenge of complex lives. In the process, they gain clarity, implement
change and start experiencing individual and workplace effectiveness.

As the creator of the personal growth concept Inner Fitness, Dr.
Louise-Diana is a yoga therapist, a certified clinical hypnotherapist and an
ordained Science of Mind Minister. She has over 25 years of experience in
helping people transform their lives, control stress and achieve balance and

Louise-Diana' s unique way of helping individuals transcend their
self-imposed limitations has motivated thousands to honor their ideal life
that reflects their dreams and values. She is recognized internationally for
her work on issues of health and consciousness.

Her notable honors and achievements are as follows:

* 1989-1997 Publisher 'New Woman Spirit' Magazine
* 1992 Entrepreneur of the Year, Inc. Magazine
* 1998 Woman of the Year - National Association of Business Women Owners
* 1998 Special Recognition Award 

* 12th International Hypnotherapy Conference

* 1999 Board of Directors 

* Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce

* 1999 Author of 'Seeds of Consciousness'
DeVorss Publications
* 2001 Ordained Minister, Church of Religious Science (Science of Mind)
* 2002 Doctorate of Religious Studies

Long answer to your question, sir. But then again, you asked! LOLLOL!
The long answer simply reflects my respect for you...

Maurice C. Jennings
Certified Credit Consultant
Credit Justice Services
FEATURES THE 75 Day Credit Makeover.

A client can potentially see an increase of 50 - 100 points in their credit
score in 75 days or less!
100% Money Back Guarantee*
*Terms and conditions apply

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Behalf Of KeithBJohnson@
Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2008 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Five Top Methods of Meditation: An Introduction


Do you practice any of these forms? I take yoga twice a week, and we begin
and end each class with what i guess is Zen meditation. I enjoy it. It does
help center and relax me. Outside of class, though, I haven't started
meditating yet. (Part of me thinks I might be afraid of facing some of my
inner thoughts). I guess I play with it in some forms: i definitely get into
a type of moving meditation when i go running, and working in the
yard--swinging an ax for an hour or two--can put me in another zone where I
don't really think about anyting but the action in front of me.

------------ -- Original message ------------ --
From: "Reece Jennings" <mcjennings124@ <mailto:mcjennings1 24%40yahoo. com>> 

Five Top Methods of Meditation: An Introduction by www.SixWise. com
<http://www.sixwise. <http://www.sixwise. com/> com/> 

In ancient times, meditation
<http://www.sixwise. com/newsletters/ 05/11/02/ a_20_minute_ vacation_
> com/newsletters/ 05/11/02/ a_20_minute_ vacation_ the_amazin
g_health_benefits_ of_meditation. htm> was used as a vehicle of spiritual
growth, achieved by altering your state of consciousness. Today, though
still often used for spiritual purposes, meditation has come to appeal to a
broad range of people -- students, moms, people in the business world, and

It's meditation's broad range of benefits -- it can help everything from
stress and anxiety to insomnia and your immune system -- along with its
simplicity, that has made it so appealing to so many people.

However, if you're new to meditation, just browsing through the numerous
types can make it seem daunting. This is a contradiction because at its
heart, meditation is supposed to be about relaxation -- and relaxation that
can be achieved simply, in just a few minutes.

Here we've compiled the most common types of meditation to clear up some of
the confusion, and to give you a chance to choose the type that's most
appealing to you (but don't be afraid to try a few different methods, as
they all provide benefits in their own way).

Meanwhile, as you begin your meditation journey, the Pure <https://shop.
<https://shop. index.asp? PageAction= VIEWPROD& ProdID=116> index.asp? PageAction= VIEWPROD& ProdID=116> Relaxation CD is
an excellent companion. It offers an easy way to experience the meditative
state in which your mind "lets go" and your body relaxes, even before you're
into the full swing of a specific meditation method.

1. Transcendental Meditation, or TM

TM is one of the most popular forms of meditation, perhaps because you can
experience benefits in just a few days, and it is relatively simple to

TM was popularized in the United States by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi during the
1960s, and today more than 5 million people worldwide, including more than 1
million people in the United States, practice it. 

In TM, an instructor will give you a mantra <http://www.sixwise.
<http://www.sixwise. com/newsletters/ 07/02/28/ the_untapped_ power_and_
> com/newsletters/ 07/02/28/ the_untapped_ power_and_ benefit_
of_having_a_ mantra.htm> (or you could make one up on your own), which you
must keep to yourself. You then sit quietly, close your eyes, and repeat
your mantra for about 20 minutes, a couple of times a day. Focusing on your
mantra helps you to reach a state of concentrated altertness. If outside
thoughts enter your mind during TM, you simply observe them and let them
pass, while still focusing on your mantra. Eventually, your mind will begin
to quiet, and you will be able to experience even upsetting thoughts in a
calm manner.

2. Mindfulness Meditation

During mindfulness meditation, which Buddhists call vipassana or insight
meditation, the purpose is to clear your mind of worry and be in the present
moment. You do this by focusing on your breathing, and paying attention to
its passage through your body. When thoughts come into your mind, you
welcome then and become a passive observer, then direct your mind back to
your breathing in a non-judgmental way. 

3. Walking Meditation

Popularized by Buddhist monk and author Thich Nhat Hanh, walking meditation
is a form of meditation that involves movement. As you walk at a pace that
feels comfortable to you, you focus your thoughts on your stride, your feet
touching the ground and your breath. Try to keep your gaze forward and don't
turn to look at distractions.

When your thoughts wander, bring them back to your movement. Walking
meditation can be done inside or outside.

lotus position
<http://www.sixwise. com/images/ articles/ 2007/10/17/ 34567746% 5B1%5D.thb.
jpg> com/images/articles /2007/10/ 17/34567746% 5B1%5D.thb. jpg> 

The lotus position, pictured above, is typically used during Zen meditation.

4. Zen Meditation

Zen meditation, or zazen, is an ancient Buddhist practice that promotes your
awareness and presence. During Zen meditation, you sit in the lotus
position, often on a small cushion, and focus on your posture and breathing.
If you find yourself distracted by thoughts, you bring your awareness back
to your posture and your breathing. Zen meditation can be done once or twice
a day, for 10-20 minutes or longer.

5. Trataka (Third Eye Meditation)

During trataka meditation, which is a type of yoga meditation that has been
used by most religions, including Christianity and Sufism, your awareness is
focused on an object. Focus your gaze on the object (such as a lamp, photo
or statue), then gradually close your eyes, but still focus on the object
with your eyes closed. Focus is placed on the eyebrow center, or third eye,
to "see" the object with your eyes shut. The eyes are opened and closed
several times during one session, which can last up to 15 minutes. 

Maurice Jennings
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