Oh  my  Gods kill this franchise already.

On Jul 26, 2008, at 1:56 AM, Tracey de Morsella wrote:

> Source: SyFy Portal <http://www.syfyportal.com>
> Jul-25-2008
> With the release of "Stargate: Continuum" just days away, MGM  
> already is
> talking with executive producer Brad Wright about keeping the  
> direct-to-DVD
> movie franchise going.
> "We might be making another movie," Wright told a packed crowd at  
> Comic-Con
> International in San Diego on Friday. "MGM has suggest we start  
> thinking
> about that and start putting a story together, and that's what  
> we're doing
> right now."
> But not just a movie ... it seems that MGM is confident SciFi  
> Channel or
> some television outlet will pick up the previously announced third  
> series
> "Stargate: Universe" as well.
> The panel comes a day after "Continuum" premiered on an aircraft  
> carrier in
> San Diego that included some of Friday's panelists like Amanda  
> Tapping,
> Michael Shanks, Christopher Judge and a rare convention appearance by
> Richard Dean Anderson.
> "What I am real happy about with 'Continuum,' doing a series for 10  
> years
> like we did year after year is get everybody back," Wright said.  
> "It felt
> good to have everybody back."
> http://speed.pointroll.com/PointRoll/Media/banners/trans.gif? 
> PRAd=1118694&PR
> plcmt=642142
> "Continuum" is the second direct-to-DVD movie the Stargate  
> franchise has
> released this year, and it included a bit of filming in the Arctic  
> that
> included subzero temperatures at minus 50 degrees.
> "The whole experience, the Cessna that takes you two hours over the  
> frozen
> ocean, Ben [Browder] and I giggling and sliding down the ice and  
> making snow
> angels, we looked like we were 6 years old," said Tapping, who plays
> Samantha Carter in the film.
> Christopher Judge, who plays Teal'c in the film, said he enjoyed  
> the Arctic
> because he wasn't even there.
> "They all went to the arctic, and I was left behind," Judge said.  
> "I think I
> traveled to L.A. and played golf <http://www.syfyportal.com/ 
> news425249.html>
> in a balmy 85-degree weather. I peed indoors, I had a nice meal,  
> and was
> absolutely warm."
> Having a little bit of the old and new from the Stargate series was  
> a bit
> surreal for Browder, who joined the series in the ninth season as  
> Cameron
> Mitchell.
> "I can't think of an emotionally difficult moment," Browder said.  
> "Not that
> I wasn't given these things to do, but coming in late, everyone  
> here talks
> about the 400 years they've been shooting the show, and you know,  
> having
> arrived late on the show, there was concern -- probably on  
> everybody's part
> -- that, 'Oh, this isn't going to work' or 'They look too much  
> alike,'"
> referring to Michael Shanks.
> "This is an easy group to hang out with," he said. "We come to  
> Comic-Con,
> and I noticed as we were standing backstage that all of us were  
> clustered
> around together, chatting about whatever it is they like to chat  
> about. You
> would think after 10 years, at least Mike [Shanks] and Chris [Judge]
> would've had enough of each other. They're like an old married  
> couple."
> "Stargate: Continuum" is released on DVD Tuesday.
> http://www.syfyportal.com/news425249.html
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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