The "McCain" Cockroach Wins the Race!
By Alan Caruba  Friday, August 22, 2008 

On Thursday, I attended the midday 14th "Cockroach Derby" staged by 
the New Jersey Pest Management Association during its 61st annual 
Clinic and tradeshow. The highlight of the day so far as the media in 
attendance were concerned was the running of the "Presidential 
Cockroach Race" that pitted a designated John McCain cockroach 
against a designated Barack Obama cockroach. 

These weren't your commonplace American and German cockroaches that 
have plagued homeowners and apartment dwellers since the dawn of 
human civilization. They were giant Madagascar "Hissing" Roaches, the 
kind Hollywood uses when it wants to scare the daylights out of the 
audience. These roaches are double or triple the size of your typical 

The race is run inside of Plexiglas track with two lanes. At one end 
the cockroaches are held in a "gate" area until the door is raised 
and, usually, they take off down the track for lack of anything 
better to do. 

The "John McCain" cockroach took off as if shot from a cannon, 
rambling down the six feet of the track with ease and one might 
almost say a sense of real purpose. The "Barack Obama" cockroach 
seemed addled as it loitered around the gate area. It was no contest. 
Two cockroaches designated Republican and Democrat ran a comparable 
race presumably to determine the outcome of the vice presidential 
election. Here again the Republican cockroach won handily. 

I wish to state that these races have absolutely, positively, no 
predictive power whatever. In the 14 years I have been witnessing 
them, the only thing they predicted was that the men and women of the 
broadcast and print media would show up with their cameras and 
notebooks to record the action and scribble notes while gleaning 
comments from the host of professional pest control folk who gather 
to cheer on the cockroaches in a non-partisan fashion. 

Why, you may ask, do I attend these festivities? Because I am, by 
profession, a public relations counselor and the New Jersey Pest 
Management Association has been a client of mine for over twenty 
years. When we began our long association, they were called the "Pest 
Control" association, but as the impact of the environmental movement 
occurred, they found themselves accused of spraying deadly pesticides 
with no other purpose in mind than to kill every living creature 
known to man and God. 

This was not true, but that didn't matter to the Greens who were 
determined to get every pesticide banned. The problem is that the 
only beneficiaries would have been the billions of pest insects and 
rodents. Pests that carry and transmit many diseases harmful and even 
lethal to mankind don't care. Pest control professionals do care. 

So does the public. Putting aside the fact that every state, in the 
interest of public health, requires by law that restaurants, 
hospitals, schools, supermarkets, hotels, and everywhere else the 
public gathers must be protected against infestations, the industry 
pulls in several billion annually because people understand that bugs 
and other nasty critters represent a threat to their lives and 
property. Every year for example, termites destroy more property than 
all the floods and fires combined. 

In time the pest control industry metamorphosed into the 
pest "management" industry for public relations purposes. They 
instituted Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs that emphasized 
more intensive inspections of structures and the least use of 
pesticides on site. New products and technologies were created to 
deal with termites after the most effective termiticide ever invented 
was banned from use in the 1970s. 

Mother Nature insures that insect and rodent pests, as well as others 
such as bird pests and feral animals, exist in such abundance that 
were it not for the very unglamorous work of pest control 
professionals, life for all of us would be very unpleasant. 

None of this occurred to the media folk in attendance or even the 
coverage given the event by those relying on my news release about 
it. Even with access to some of the leading experts in the nation who 
were there to conduct seminars on bed bugs, termites, rats and mice, 
it was the cockroach race that was their only interest. 

For 61 years the New Jersey Pest Management Association's leaders 
have ensured that their members—some six hundred technicians and 
owners attended—received the best scientific information possible to 
protect the public against these scourges of humanity. 

To me, that was and is the real story. 

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