
Grammar vandals fined for altering historic Grand Canyon sign 
Two obsessive grammarians who changed a historical handpainted sign 
at the Grand Canyon national park have been sentenced to probation 
for vandalism. 
Last Updated: 1:02AM BST 23 Aug 2008

Jeff Deck and Benjamin Herson, both 28, had spent this spring 
travelling across the United States correcting errors on government 

The pair set up the Typo Eradication Advancement League and were 
interviewed by National Public Radio and the Chicago Tribune, which 
referred to them as "a pair of Kerouacs armed with Sharpies and 
erasers and righteous indignation".

Their brush with fame brought about their downfall, however, after 
investigators looked up their web page. 

A diary entry by Mr Deck said they had visited the Desert View 
Watchtower in Grand Canyon national park and "discovered a hand-
rendered sign inside that, I regret to report, contained a few 

Using a marker, he replaced an erroneous apostrophe and added a comma 
to the yellow lettering on a black fibreboard sign.

However, the pair did not realise the sign had been made by Mary 
Elizabeth Jane Colter, the architect who built the watchtower and 
other landmarks in the Grand Canyon area. 

They pleaded guilty to conspiracy to vandalise government property 
and were sentenced to a year's probation during which they cannot 
enter a national park or change any public signs.

They were also told to pay £1,500 to repair the sign. Fortunately 
they had ignored a more egregious typo: the word immense was 
spelled "emense".

Their website now carries this message: "Statement on the signage of 
our National Parks and public lands to come"

However, it lacks a full stop. 

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