Maurice C. Jennings
Residency/Expulsion Officer
Bloomfield Board of Education
1133 Blue Hills Avenue
Bloomfield, CT 06002


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 2:46 AM
Subject: Have You "Blown Out" Your Thyroid Like Oprah?

 <> SixWise

As you may know, recently Oprah revealed that she has hypothyroidism. 

She was "...going around from doctor to doctor trying to figure out what was
wrong and finally figured out that I had literally sort of blew out my

Could this have been what was causing her to be heavy?

This may well be the case since hypothyroidism -- an under-active thyroid --
can cause unexplained gains in pounds.

Sluggishness, exhaustion, brain fog and skin problems are also similar
symptoms of a low functioning thyroid.

But Oprah is not alone.

In fact, the American Association of Clicnical Endocrinologists estimates
that 10% of Americans -- more than the number of Americans with diabetes and
cancer combined -- are affected by thyroid problems.

Further, they estimate that over half of those people with a thyroid problem
are not being diagnosed at all.

And for those diagnosed, the standard conventional treatment is not

Bottom line -- it's a widespread problem that's under-diagnosed, and for
those fortunate to receive treatment, that treatment is often ineffective.

It can be on of the most challenging conditions to diagnose and treat, but
when a doctor gets it right, it can have a dramatic affect on one's health.

Moreover, hypothyroidism in particular affects perimenopausal and menopausal
women, but doctors can sometimes have difficulty identifying the cause.

Here's the problem for someone who knowingly or unknowingly struggles with

Because most doctors are experts in acute illnesses, they often fail
miserably when it comes to addressing subtle symptoms in your body that
affect the quality of your life.

Anyone can diagnose a heart attack if they see someone who is pale, sweaty,
clutching his or her chest, and complaining of crushing pain in the chest.

Thyroid problems, however, are COMPLETELY different.

Even if you have all the symptoms of low thyroid function your problem can
still easily be ignored.


Well, historically this wasn't the case as doctors USED to treated thyroid
diseases based on symptoms and personal exams.

Now, however, doctors rely almost completely on laboratory testing, which
prevents them from diagnosing more subtle cases not detected by the
conventional approach to thinking about thyroid disease.

That explains why you may still feel so BAD even when your doctor tells you
your TSH levels are fine.

Most doctors will shrug off symptoms like dry skin, thinning hair,
sensitivities to cold, muscle soreness, decreased libido, waking up tired,
constant fatigue, concentration problems, brain fog and trouble losing

However, when there is a constellation of symptoms such as these the thyroid
may play a role and more detective work is needed.

I recently reviewed a powerful new book from Mark Hyman, M.D. called "The
Ultra Thyroid Solution: A 7-step Plan to Reverse Hypothyroidism Permanently"
that may help.

I've talked about Dr. Hyman before -- he's a 3-time NY times best-selling
author whose been featured on public television and was just on The Today
Show last month -- and he's someone for whom I have the utmost respect.

He's a pioneer in functional medicine, which is the next generation of
medicine that looks to fix the underlying biological causes of your health
problems rather than just treating the symptoms as conventional medicine

If you suffer from any of those the symptoms listed earlier or have been
diagnosed with a low functioning thyroid, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's
Disease, etc., then this new 7-step plan is something you may want to look
at now.

For more, go to:

I hope you find this to be a very helpful resource in your quest for optimal


Dee Williams Editor

P.S. If you are wondering whether your thyroid is at the root of your health
problems, go to the website below and view some of the short videos that Dr.
Hyman has put together that may help to answer some of your questions.
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