(sigh) Talks about bitter.    It's starting to look like all those rumors 
about Shatner are true.   And My 'respect' for this guy drops further every 
  And is one of the few reasons why I hope the upcomming movie has some 
success.   To help knock him of the Kirk perch if nothing else.


In a message dated 10/22/08 3:31:26 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1079595/Video-Star-Treks-William-Shatner-brands-star-George-Takei-sick-psychotic.html
> VIDEO: Star Trek's William Shatner brands former co-star George Takei
> 'sick and psychotic'
> By Daily Mail Reporter
> 'Star Trek' icon William Shatner has branded former co-star George Takei
> 'sick' and 'psychotic' and claims he feels 'nothing but pity for him' in
> an astonishing attack.
> In an internet video clip, the ex-Captain Kirk actor says nobody cared
> when gay Takei finally came out in 2005.
> And he belittles Takei's role as Mr Sulu in the cult sci-fi series,
> claiming he barely knew him because he was only ever on set for a couple
> of days.
> Shatner hit back after Takei deliberately made a point of not inviting him
> to his gay wedding last month.
> Takei has admitted holding a long-standing grudge against Shatner for , in
> his opinion, having a huge ego and hogging the limelight on Star Trek.
> Shatner says in the video: 'The whole thing makes me feel badly, poor man.
> There is such a sickness there.
> 'It's so patently obvious that there is a psychosis there. I don't know
> what his original thing about me was. I have no idea.
> 'I didn't read his book that was printed many years ago, but apparently I
> didn't let somebody have a close-up. I literally don't know him.
> 'I didn't know him very well on the series. He would come in for a day or
> two, as evidenced by the part he played. Then on the movies, there
> occasionally. I didn't know the man.
> 'But he has continued to speak badly about me for all these years.
> Obviously, hiding his homosexuality - talk about festering and not living
> the truth of your life and feeling badly about yourself - and being
> fearful somebody would find out about this terrible, terrible secret, so
> he thought.
> 'Finally at the age of, I think, 70, he decides to come out of the closet
> and say, "I'm gay."
> 'Like, who cares? Be gay. Don't be gay. That's up to you George.'
> Shatner says he is baffled at why Takei has continued to hold a grudge
> against him.
> He says: 'You would think there would be an epiphany at some point, where
> George might have said, "Poor Bill Shatner. He's such a lonely, desperate,
> unhappy man that he did all these terrible things to me."
> 'Which I can't remember. I presume he can remember all these terrible
> thing I must have done when I said, "Hello" or something to him.
> 'You would think he had this epiphany and say - because he and I don't
> have many years left in this world - "I wish him well. I'm so happy that I
> wish him well."
> 'But instead what he does is he makes this big deal about not inviting me
> to his wedding.
> 'If I was such a terrible force in his life - even some 40-odd years
> later, because I've not seen him - that I effect his marriage where he has
> to isolate it, what kind of sickness is going on in the man?'
> Shatner, whose video appears on his YouTube page theshatnerproject.com,
> adds: 'There must be something else inside of George that is festering and
> makes him so unhappy that he takes it out on me - in effect a total
> stranger.
> 'Why would he go out of his way to denegrate me? It's sad that the man
> can't find enough peace in his life to either say  "Be positive" and say
> "I forgive him, whatever those hurts were", or to shut up about it.
> 'It's sad. I feel nothing but pity for him.'
> ------------------------------------
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