Tintin Update

Sony in talks to co-finance; lead actor bows out.

by Jim Vejvoda <http://movies.ign.com/email.html> 


November 3, 2008 - Sony Pictures is reportedly in talks to co-finance Tintin
<http://movies.ign.com/objects/374/374102.html> , a 3D performance-capture
and live-action collaboration between Oscar-winning directors Steven
<http://stars.ign.com/objects/916/916595.html>  Spielberg and Peter
<http://stars.ign.com/objects/912/912159.html>  Jackson. Universal Pictures
passed on funding half of the first of two proposed Tintin movies last

"The first film's budget of about $130 million is not exceptionally large by
contemporary standards. But Mr. Spielberg and Mr. Jackson, as two of the
industry's most prestigious directors, were demanding nearly a third of the
movie's gross receipts - terms that proved difficult at a time when studios
were tightening belts," according to
q=Tintin&st=cse&oref=slogin> The New York Times. "Paramount later offered to
make the movie on terms it found more favorable, but the directors'
representatives pressed for alternatives. Sony offered to take the movie
under a deal more to the filmmakers' liking, but Paramount was reluctant to
let go entirely and began discussing a partnership, according to one of the
people briefed on the discussions." 

Sony will reportedly distribute Tintin internationally and Paramount will
handle domestic distribution and in certain English-speaking territories.
DreamWorks will no longer be associated with the project. 

Spielberg will direct the first Tintin, which is slated for a 2010 release,
while Jackson will helm the sequel. Variety suggests that the third proposed
film has been scrapped. 

Variety adds actor Thomas Sangster
<http://stars.ign.com/objects/142/14242486.html> , who had been cast as the
titular young Belgian reporter, dropped out when production, which had been
slated for this fall, was delayed as a result of the financing falling

Tintin is an adaptation of Georges Remi's classic comic strip.


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