From: "Dennis Fischer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Scalzi: Do Science Fiction Movies Still Need Theaters?
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 16:27:30 -0800

John Scalzi - Do Science Fiction Movies Still Need Theaters?

The folks at Pixar sent me the DVD package for WALL-E last week, a 
three-disc set which includes the movie, an extra disc of goodies, 
and a version of the film compatible with portable viewers like the 
iPhone (so, presumably, you'll resist the temptation to find a pirate 
version online). In addition to giving my daughter something to brag 
about to her friends because we got the package early (it comes out 
Tuesday), the two separate versions of the movie -- one for the home 
and one to take with us wherever we go -- reminded me of how film 
viewing really has changed, particularly since the advent of portable 
media players. Go to an airport these days and watch people as they 
wait for their flights, and you'll see a good percentage of them 
staring down into a tiny screen, watching a movie or a TV show.
People love their movies; we've known for years (much to the economic 
joy of the studios) that they love to bring them home, and we know 
now that we love to take them with us when we go places. But this 
also makes me wonder if we still need the theaters that are films' 
first homes. What do the movie theaters still offer us that we can't 
get at home?

What Movie Theaters Offer

For the studios, of course, the answer is obvious: The theater 
represents their first revenue stream, the place where they can make 
back some of the outrageous cost of making and marketing a movie. 
People like to speculate about the death of the movie theater, but 
they've been speculating it since the birth of the television era, 
and very likely they will continue speculating about it for decades 
to come. Studios keep finding new ways to draw people into the 
theaters -- or at the very least, new spins on old ways: The current 
rage for IMAX and/or 3D versions of movies recalls CinemaScope and, 
yes, 3D films in the 1950s.

Given what the studios do to keep bringing us to the show, you would 
think that the main advantage that movie theaters have over home 
viewing is technological, but this is not entirely true. Chances are 
you don't have an IMAX theater in your house (and if you do, I'm 
offended you haven't invited me over yet), but on the other hand it's 
not at all unlikely that you might have a large screen HDTV-capable 
television with a Blu-ray disc play and a 7.1 digital theater sound 
setup -- or will have such a setup within a couple of years, as 
prices for all of these things drop. WALL-E or 2001 or Star Wars or 
Iron Man any other science fiction movie you might think of looks 
great up there on a theater wall, and sounds great too, but for all 
practical purposes you can create a nearly equally stunning cinematic 
experience at home... and many people have.

So what does the movie theater still offer viewers that you can't get 
at home? I'm going to suggest something that I think is 
counterintuitive: It offers lack of control.

What It's Like to Watch at Home

Take WALL-E (again). My family sat down to watch it the other night, 
but we came nowhere near close to watching it interrupted all the way 
through. The phone rang and it was my wife's mother on the phone; we 
paused it so she wouldn't miss something. Then at some point we all 
decided a bathroom break was in order. Another pause. Later, 
snacktime. Pause. At various points we skipped back a bit because we 
missed something someone was saying or because we wanted to look at 
something in the background (for example, the "Pizza Planet" truck 
that's in every Pixar film).

Contrast this with how I saw WALL-E in the movie theater. Once the 
film started, it was out of my control: The story unfolded at the 
pace the filmmaker chose, and the story's emotional beats came in a 
rhythm uninterrupted by my personal life and preferences. Short of 
walking out of the film entirely, I had to take it on its own terms 
-- surrender my will to the story, as it were. As a result, the 
emotional highs of the story were higher, the funny parts funnier, 
and the wrenching parts (yes, there are wrenching parts in WALL-E) 
that much more affecting. In the theater, you are able to approach 
the movie as a complete work, and as complete experience in itself. 
How we know WALL-E or any other film is a really good film is by how 
it makes us feel -- which is to say, how much the film sweeps us 
along and makes us a participant in its story.

Being able to pause and rewind and such is all very cool -- they're 
part of the reason people like to watch movies at home, and it's 
especially fun with science fiction films, because thanks to special 
effects there's usually something cool to stare at in the background. 
Frankly, looking at the cool stuff in the background was just about 
the only way to enjoy the Star Wars prequel trilogy at all, and I 
know I had fun recently pausing the heck out ofIron Man to get a 
gander at what was popping up on Tony Stark's helmet display. But 
these features come at a cost: Each pause and skip degrades the 
actual viewing experience. Each pause and rewind draws you out of the 
story and makes you aware of the separation between you and what's 
going on in the movie, and that keeps you from getting everything you 
can -- or everything the filmmakers hope you can -- get out of it. 
You're never more aware that you watching a movie than when you're 
watching it at home, because you have control over how it plays. The extra
bits and the 
commentary tracks and everything else that comes with DVDs these days 
are all super cool, but they're not really "extras": They're 
compensation for what you lose.

And this is why science fiction movies -- and all movies -- still 
need to be seen in theaters: Because they're the places where the 
movie is still the most important thing, not just something else we 
do. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to have the WALL-E DVD package, as 
well as the other DVDs in my collection. But I'm even more glad I got 
to experience it in the theater first.

Winner of the Hugo Award and the John W. Campbell Award for Best New 
Writer, John Scalzi is the author of The Rough Guide to Sci-Fi 
Moviesand the novels Old Man's Warand Zoe's Tale. He's also the 
editor of METAtropolis, an audiobook anthology on Audible.com. His 
column appears every Thursday.

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