'True Blood' amps up the enjoyable vamp antics as its finale approaches

OK, fine, "True Blood" fans. I give up. You win.

I like this show.

And yet. Those of you who’ve been e-mailing me telling me that “True
Blood,” which airs its season finale 8 p.m. Sunday, is your favorite show
-- I can’t say I agree.

But the friends and readers who’ve been saying the HBO show has finally
become the escapist vamp potboiler that was lurking inside the somewhat
pretentious show we first saw back in September -- yes, I agree with that
assessment. Though it’s not perfect, “True Blood” has improved a lot. Dare
I say it no longer needs a transfusion?

There are so many things about “True Blood” I can still pick apart, and I
mentioned many of them in my initial review.

As Sookie Stackhouse, a woman in love with a courtly vampire, the miscast
Anna Paquin is often the least interesting part of this show. The show’s
melodrama veers into laughable Southern Gothic at times (Demon exorcisms?
Really?). There are plenty of plot holes that you could drive a hearse
through. The show’s vampire mythology is contradictory, if not downright

And don’t start me on the variable accents on this show: In the Watcher
household, a favorite pastime is imitating all the weird ways various
characters on the show pronounce the name “Sookie.”

On the other hand, lately, “True Blood” has been doing a lot of things
right; in the last three or four episodes, in particular, it has gotten
markedly better.

Perhaps because of the obvious lack of charisma between Sookie and her
vampire lover, Bill (the fine Stephen Moyer), the show has been adding
terrific guest actors left and right. And it’s focused on the one
through-line that unites the show’s disparate elements: The mystery of
who’s been murdering women in Bon Temps, La.

A few weeks ago, the wonderful Stephen Root showed up as a gay vampire
accountant (and that’s the first time I have ever written those three
words in a row). His character didn’t resemble the mostly predictable
vamps on this show, which have tended to favor eyeliner, leather pants and
wanton murder. He was a lonely, soft-spoken guy who thought becoming a
bloodsucker would spice up his life -- but it didn’t, at least not the way
he thought it would.

Sookie’s dim brother, the eternally shirtless Jason (Ryan Kwanten), used
to be one of my least favorite characters. But recent developments
involving Jason, Root’s character and Amy, the hippie-dippie psycho played
by the excellent Lizzy Caplan, did a lot to amp up Jason’s story line, and
it even gave Kwanten the chance to prove he can do more than take off his

As if that weren’t enough, in recent weeks the show featured two
"Homicide" veterans I would watch read from the telephone book: Michelle
Forbes, of HBO’s “In Treatment,” and Zeljko Ivanek, who won an Emmy for
his work on FX’s “Damages.” They’re two of the best character actors
working now, and Ivanek in particular was terrific as the Magister, the
final adjudicator of vampire disputes. If anyone could make sitting in a
chair in the back of a truck transfixing, Ivanek could.

Forbes’ role is less clear -- her mysterious character just took in
Sookie’s troubled friend, Tara (Rutina Wesley) -- but I dearly hope that
if there is a second season of “True Blood,” Forbes is in it. Ditto for
Alexander Skarsgard (Iceman in “Generation Kill”), who plays Eric, the
quietly intimidating “sheriff” to Southern vampires.

In addition to loading up the show with a terrific array of guest actors,
“True Blood” features one of the best supporting casts around. As Tara,
Wesley has given what could have been a grating character a lot of
anguished depth, and I once again have to single out Nelsan Ellis, whose
Lafayette is one of my favorite TV characters right now. Sam Trammell has
also been providing solid support as the amiable bar owner Sam Merlotte
(though I still don’t understand why either Sam or Bill is attracted to
the huffy Sookie).

I don’t know if this development follows the progress of Charlaine Harris’
Stackhouse novels, on which the series is based, but “True Blood” has
wisely opened up the world of the show beyond vampires, a territory that
his been well trod in books, TV and movies for decades now. There are
shapeshifters in Sookie’s world, and other beings with strange powers have
been hinted at as well. (One thing the show has not handled all that well:
Sookie’s own psychic powers, which figured prominently early in the season
but have been barely mentioned in recent weeks.)

Though it still has its self-indulgent moments, “True Blood” has picked up
its pace admirably and now boasts more tension than the lackluster current
season of Showtime’s “Dexter.” (Dare I say "True Blood" has sucked the
life out of "Dexter"? Sorry, that may be one pun too many).

An HBO representative says that viewership for the show has increased
dramatically over the last couple of months (for more on that, check out
this AP story). But even before those numbers went up, the network had
renewed “True Blood” for a second season, which now looks like a wise move
(and a necessary one -- the finale, the HBO representative said, contains
a couple of cliffhangers).

All in all, this drama is on its way to becoming what creator Alan Ball
originally promised: A sexy, well-acted soap opera about bloodsuckers and
the people who love them.

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