The mouse hits 40-year milestone

By Mark Ward
Technology correspondent, BBC News

The humble computer mouse celebrates its 40th anniversary today.

On 9 December 1968 hi-tech visionary Douglas Engelbart first used one to
demonstrate novel ways of working with computers.

The first mouse that Dr Engelbart used in the demo at the Fall Joint
Computer Conference (FJCC) was made of wood and had one button.

Much of the technology shown off in the demo inspired the creation of the
hardware and software now widely used.

"It was a good show, but it was all real," said Dr Jeff Rulifson, now
director of Sun's VLSI research group but in 1968 architect and lead
programmer for the software shown off at the FJCC.

Pioneering work

A day of celebration is planned in California to mark the 40th
anniversary; with many of the researchers behind the original demo
reunited to mark the event.

The mouse, which was built by Bill English, helped Dr Engelbart
demonstrate how text files could be clipped, copied and pasted as well as
showing ways of using computer networks to collaborate on projects or
co-edit documents.

Dr Rulifson joined the group that Dr Engelbart assembled at the Stanford
Research Institute in California after meeting the charismatic engineer
while attending the FJCC in 1965.

"I met Doug and got thoroughly enchanted," Dr Rulifson told the BBC.

"I really understood what he was after. I was blown away by the ideas."

Dr Engelbart wanted computers to act as helpers that augmented human
intelligence and enabled people to operate far more efficiently and
productively than they would without such tools.

The 1968 demonstration showed off the computer system, called NLS,
developed to put these ideas into practical form.

Most of this, said Dr Rulifson, had to be invented by the team at SRI.

"There were bits and pieces all around," he said. "There was no completely
unique set of ideas but we pulled it all together."

Although the mouse was central to what NLS could do, said Dr Rulifson,
there was more to what Dr Engelbart wanted to achieve.

"I think people get fixated on the mouse," he said. "It's a symbol they
can hang on to but the idea behind it was this idea of putting text into
NLS and giving it an entirely new flexibility."

"We had full text editing and hyperlinks - the mass of what we use today,"
said Dr Rulifson.

In the 1968 demo Dr Rulifson was at the SRI Lab and appeared on screen in
Brooks Hall auditorium while helping Dr Engelbart to show how co-workers
could use NLS to collaborate.

The demo was so far ahead of other uses of computers at the time and the
technology on show was so powerfully convincing that one attendee later
likened Dr Engelbart's efforts to "dealing lightning with both hands".

Command set

Not only did NLS impress the audience at the FJCC, but it also became the
first program scheduled to be used across the fledgling Arpanet that was
just being built. NLS is mentioned in the first RFC - the technical
documents that describe the workings of what we know today as the internet.

In 1969 SRI, along with UCLA, was one of the two ends of the first link in
the network that became Arpanet - and ultimately the internet.

Sadly, said Dr Rulifson, NLS did not win enough people over to become the
essential tool that Dr Engelbart envisioned.

"I think what happened was that Doug was very focused on extremely
powerful systems for extremely highly-trained people," he said. "NLS had
500 single key commands."

Learning how to use NLS was a formidable task that few took on - despite
its potential.

Many of the people that worked with Dr Engelbart at SRI went on to Xerox
Parc - another legendary lab in California where many contributed directly
to the technologies that led to the personal computer revolution and the
world wide web.

Only now is Doug Engelbart's vision starting to be realised, said Dr
Rulifson, and the world has yet to catch up with the ideas first aired in

"Half the vision has come along," said Dr Rulifson. "We could see the day
when these things would be small enough to carry about.

"But," he added, "Doug was very frustrated with the stuff that grew up
around the PC, because it's too static and paper-like."

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