Hi SciFiNoir Family.  

For over a decade, many of you have been submitting your profile via
email to the group.  A few years ago, we started using Frapper to see
which members lived near each other.  Recently Yahoogroups has added a
new set of features that allows us to do that and more.  

So I set up the  SciFiNoir People Profile Map   It is a new profile
section of our group that enables us to let other members know more
about our specific interests in science fiction.  If you have a sci-fi
related blog, web site, book, comic, graphic novel, web series, club,
publishing firm, production company, etc., this is one of the best
places to  let members know about what you are doing.  It is also a
great tool for finding out which members are  located near you.

I have taken the first step and posted my profile, it is my hope that
you will all do the same.    Thanks 

Go to the following link to see the SciFiNoir People Profile Map   

Post your profile at: 

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Tracey de Morsella, your moderator

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