Thanks, Tracy!  I have been SO tied up, all I can do is scan the emails and
laugh at Martin's :o).


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of tdemorsella
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 3:47 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Strange Winter Questions You Always Wondered About

Maurice usually posts this stuff, but I have not heard from him, so I
am stepping up to the plate

http://tinyurl. <> com/6anz3j

Flick was the unfortunate character of the holiday classic, A
Christmas Story, who was dared to stick his tongue on a metal pole in
winter. The result was catastrophic -- his tongue stuck to the metal pole.

Would this happen in real life, or only in the movies?

Here are the answers to this and some equally quirky questions about
winter-related topics .

1. Will your tongue stick to cold metal in the winter?

Yes! So don't do it! Water freezes at a temperature of 32 degrees
Fahrenheit (F) or lower. In the winter, metal objects can easily be
32 degrees F or colder, which means that if you so decide to lick a
metal pole, the water from your tongue will freeze solid, fusing your
tongue to the pole.

Pouring warm water over your tongue will melt the ice, but wouldn't it
be better to just resist the temptation in the first place?

2. Can two snowflakes be alike?

Yes, it is possible that two snowflakes could be alike in their
smallest form, but to find actual proof by comparing all possible
pairs but would take about 100,000 years.

Snowflakes start out as dust particles floating in a cloud. Water
condenses on the particle and freezes, forming crystals. Snow crystals
tend to be hexagonal (six-sided) because of the way the atoms are
arranged in the water molecule. 

When snow crystals start out, they are very small. Some of them fall
before they have a chance to fully develop into a typical snowflake,
which is a half an inch to two inches wide. Of these simpler ice
crystals, it is possible to have two the same. 

However, depending on the temperature and swirling atmospheric
conditions, snowflakes can grow and combine with one another to create
unique crystal formations. So by the time snowflakes reach the ground,
it is extremely unlikely that any two will be the same. But the truth
of the matter is that it is impossible to sift through the million
billion cubic feet of snow that falls on the earth each year to find
out for sure!

3. Why do your hands get numb in the cold?

Numb hands due to exposure to cold weather is a sign of mild
hypothermia. Mild hypothermia can occur when body temperatures are
between 98.6 and 95 degrees F. Cold temperatures, wind, and moisture
all contribute to the loss of body heat.

Mild hypothermia is characterized by mild shivering, goose bumps,
numbness and slight lack of muscle coordination in fingers, and slight
mental impairment. If symptoms increase to violent shivering, severe
muscle coordination problems, and impaired judgment, then moderate
hypothermia is occurring. Severe hypothermia occurs when shivering
stops and there is a complete lack of muscle coordination, muscle
rigidity, and unconsciousness.

Treat mild hypothermia by coming in out of the cold, replacing any wet
or damp garments with dry ones, and drinking something warm to try to
warm the body core (internal organs) first. Moderate hypothermic
victims should be treated with warm heat packs or wrapped hot water
bottles applied to the neck, armpits, and groin only. Victims of
severe hypothermia require immediate medical attention and should be
taken to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible.

Most hypothermia can be prevented by dressing appropriately -- so
bundle up!

4. Does salt melt snow and ice . and does it really eat the pavement?

Salt really dose melt snow -- and some ice. Water freezes at 32
degrees F. Introducing salt to snow lowers the freezing point of water
to about 15 degrees F on roads and sidewalks. The salt, however, is
unable to enter the solid molecular structure of the water below 15
degrees F. What this means is that if the temperature of the ice is
lower than 15 degrees F, the salt will no longer be able to melt it.

Salt does not eat concrete pavement, but it can cause it to split.
Concrete may appear dense, but is actually very porous. When salt
causes snow and ice to melt, the concrete absorbs all of that water.
If temperatures then drop the absorbed water will expand and freeze,
sometimes causing the pavement to crack or shatter.

5. What's the difference between a snowburst and a blizzard?

A snowburst is a short period of heavy, consistent snowfall -- usually
around 10-14 hours or so with snow falling at a rate of 2 or more
inches per hour. If conditions worsen, then it becomes a blizzard. A
blizzard is defined as a severe winter storm characterized by strong
winds (at least 35 mph), low temperatures, heavy, blowing snow, and
low visibility (a quarter mile or less) that lasts at least 3 hours.

6. How and why do animals hibernate in the winter?

Animals such as some bears, squirrels, and hummingbirds hibernate in
the winter. Hibernation is a process that allows certain animals to
drastically reduce their heart rate and thus their body's energy needs
in harsh conditions. When temperatures are frigid and food is scarce,
these animals hibernate (remain dormant/inactive) to conserve energy
instead of searching for food for days and possibly starving or
freezing to death.

Squirrels can wake up every 4 days or so to eat and take a potty
break, whereas black bears can hibernate for up to 7 months without
food, water, or relieving themselves!


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