Brian Austin Green

Redeemed Himself With: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
The Beverly Hills 90210 douchejoke appeared a lost cause: the 
fledgling, David Faustino-esque music career, a couple of failed 
sitcoms—hell, the only thing going right was his inexplicable 
seduction of a then-unknown Megan Fox (this guy should play the stock 
market). Then, out of nowhere, he snagged a role on this incredibly 
cool, gritty Terminator tie-in and presto—no more ass clown.
Take the Hint: Dan Aykroyd. Like Green, he was on top of the world and 
cashed it in to nail someone way out of his league (Donna Dixon). 
Unlike Green, he has yet to do something unexpected to recover his 
lost glory. Like, play something other than a moron dad in a shitty 

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