Thank large for this review.  As a fan of both Will Eisner and Frank 
Miller's work, (not to mention Scarlett Johansson's and Eva Mendes' 
collective bodies of work) I was looking for an excuse to see this 
movie on the big screen. 

Alas, as always, I will not see "Tommy Gun" Cruise's movie until it 
comes out on DVD or makes it to cable.

Question: as a high school teacher, did you see Spike Lee's "Miracle 
at St. Anna's" and, if so, what did you think about it?


--- In, Augustus Augustus 
<jazzynupe_...@...> wrote:
> o.k.
> i agreed with the reviewer on DTESS, but i have 2 disagree with 
'spirit'.  just got home from the movies with the fam, and we enjoyed 
it.   my son talked about it all the way home.  it was a fun little 
time at the movies.  i think sometimes we got so tied up in finding 
this and that about movies that we 4get that sometimes u do not need 
an academy award winning plot.  just fun mindless action.  point of 
fact, Iron Man and Hulk.  just mindless fun.  also, i got a chance 2 
see 'valkyrie' last night and i think all of the "professional" 
critics just like dumping on cruise, because being a high school 
history teacher, i think the movie was very good.  very good.  but 
those are just MY opinions.

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