

Facebook orders breast-feeding photos off member pages

No visible areolas, Palo Alto-based social networking giant says

By Trine Tsouderos

December 31, 2008

Ladies, put away your breasts, please!

So says Facebook, which has been removing breast-feeding photos from 
member pages, arguing they violate its decency policy.

Moms—and some dads—are striking back, launching a full-frontal attack 
on the Palo Alto-based social networking giant.

Last Saturday, 11,500 people posted breast-feeding photos to the site 
as moms picketed Facebook headquarters.

"We challenge the notion that women's breasts are dangerous or sexual, 
especially in the context of breast-feeding," said Stephanie Muir, 
organizer of the virtual "nurse-in."

Facebook isn't budging. Post pictures if you want, the company says, 
but just make sure you can't see the areola.

"We've made a visible areola the determining factor," said Facebook 
spokesman Barry Schnitt, who stressed that the company supports 
breast-feeding. "It is a common standard."

That has some members fuming. "If I had large areolas, I would be 
offended and upset," said Kelli Roman, the Fallbrook, Calif., mom who 
founded the 85,000-member strong Facebook group, "Hey, Facebook, 
breastfeeding is not obscene!" last summer after the company took down 
a photo of her nursing her 3-month old.

Roman said the movement is growing: "I have gotten 150 new friend 
requests in the last four hours."

Copyright © 2008, Chicago Tribune

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