I heard about this fabulous website while listening to National Public 
Radio's "Sunday Edition" this morning.  This is like a national 
archive of practically every website that ever existed.

For me, this revelation was like manna from heaven.  By typing in the 
address of my eight year labor of love, "The World Ebon," I was able 
to recover every incarnation of my website from it's infancy in 1999 
until it's final incarnation from 2007.  I could actually chart its 
growth from amateur promise to near professional sheen.  

What's more, I was able to recover documents I thought were lost to me 

Check out the early, middle and late periods of "The World Ebon" at:*/

Be forewarned that some of the pages are very show loading, so venture 
forth with patience.  

By the by, I am currently engaged in a new reboot of my website that I 
hope to up and functioning sometime this millenium.


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