(((Welcome))) Angela, to the throng. :-)


"angelababycat" <asrobin...@mindspring.com> wrote:

>Hello everybody! I just wanted to introduce myself as a new member of
>I'm a big fan of sci-fi film and television.  Sarah Connor, Lost and
>Supernatural are my current favorites on TV, and looking forward to SG
>Universe this fall.
>I'm planning to be at the Friday morning showings of X-Men, Star Trek and
>Terminator next month (one beneift of being self-employed!).  Warf (Star
>Trek) is my favorite Sci-Fi character; Ben (Lost) my favorite villain --
>though some might argue that it remains to be seen whether he's actually
>friend or foe to the survivors.  But I supose Star Wars IV will always be
>my all-time favorite story.
>The last novel I actually finished was, sadly -- very sadly, a week
>before I started law school (and that was years ago).
>Speculative fiction stereotypes that irk me: women who look like me don't
>go to Star Trek conventions.
>I don't do much web surfing, but someone recently turned me on to
>www.io9.com as a good sci-fi/fantasy site.  Would love to know where
>others visit, though.
>Have a good one.

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