

"Tracey de Morsella" <tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com> writes:

>HOUSTON Ñ The nation's turbulent space program will be run by one of its
>own, a calming well-liked former space shuttle commander.
>]President Barack Obama on Saturday chose retired astronaut Gen. Charles
>Bolden to lead NASA. He also named former [
>]NASA associate administrator Lori Garver as the agency's No. 2. If
>confirmed, Bolden, who has flown in space four times and was an assistant
>deputy administrator at one point, would be the agency's first black
>Bolden would also be only the second astronaut to run NASA in its 50-year
>history. Adm. Richard Truly was the first. In 2002, then-President George
>W. Bush unsuccessfully tried to appoint Bolden as the space agency's
>deputy administrator. The Pentagon said it needed to keep Bolden, who was
>a Marine general at the time and a pilot who flew more than 100 sorties
>in Vietnam.
>"Charlie knows NASA and the people know Charlie; there's a level of
>comfort," especially given the uncertainty the space agency faces, said
>retired astronaut Steve Hawley, who flew twice in space with Bolden.
>Bolden likely will bring "more balance" to NASA, increasing spending on
>aeronautics and environment missions, working more with other nations in
>space, and emphasizing education, which the president often talks about
>when it comes to space, said former Johnson Space Center Director George
>Abbey, a longtime friend.
>"He's a real leader," Abbey said Saturday. "NASA has been looking for a
>leader like this that they could have confidence in."
>Bolden's appointment came during the tail end of the space shuttle
>Atlantis' mission to repair the Hubble Space Telescope one final time. He
>was the pilot on the flight that sent Hubble into orbit in 1990.
>Bolden, 62, would inherit a NASA that doesn't look much like the
>still-somewhat-fresh-from-the-moon agency he joined as an astronaut in
>1980. NASA now "is faced with a lot of uncertainty," Abbey said.
>Story continues below [Image]
>Bush set in motion a plan to retire the space shuttle fleet at the end of
>next year and return astronauts to the moon and then head out to Mars in
>a series of rockets and capsules that borrows heavily from the 1960s
>Apollo program. The shuttle's replacement won't be ready until at least
>2015, so for five years the only way Americans will be able to get in
>space is by hitching a ride on a Russian space capsule. And some of
>NASA's biggest science programs are over budget.
>Earlier this month, the White House ordered a complete outside
>examination of the manned space program. The Obama administration hasn't
>been explicit about its space policy, with White House science adviser
>John Holdren saying the policy would come after a NASA chief was named.
>"These talented individuals will help put NASA on course to boldly push
>the boundaries of science, aeronautics and exploration in the 21st
>century and ensure the long-term vibrancy of America's space program,"
>Obama said of Bolden and Garver in a statement.
>Bolden, a native of Columbia, S.C., and his wife donated $750 to the
>Obama campaign in 2008.
>At NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, where Bolden spent about a
>decade, his impending appointment was quietly cheered on all week long.
>The diminutive salt-and-pepper haired Bolden, who lives only a few miles
>from the space center, on Saturday morning said he couldn't talk until
>after Senate confirmation. He was busy answering congratulatory e-mails
>from home. He has his own consulting firm in Houston and sits on
>corporate boards.
>Those who have flown or worked with Bolden can't praise him enough.
>Retired astronaut Franklin Chang-Diaz interviewed to become an astronaut
>the same week as Bolden, was picked at the same time, and they flew
>together on their first flights.
>Soon after that much-delayed launch of the space shuttle Columbia in
>January 1986, Chang-Diaz looked at his friend Bolden and saw that the
>shuttle pilot had a "big, big smile... we were kind of like kids in a
>candy store."
>Hawley and then-U.S. Rep. Bill Nelson were also aboard that 1986 flight.
>Nelson, now the chairman of the Senate subcommittee on space that will
>oversee Bolden's nomination and one of the people pushing Bolden's
>nomination to the White House, commented: "I trusted Charlie with my life
>- and would do so again."
>Kathryn Sullivan was the payload commander on the 1992 flight of
>Atlantis, which was Bolden's first of two shuttle commands. She said
>Bolden has all the aspects of leadership that a good chief requires. That
>includes experience, wisdom and the ability to listen to all sides. She
>called him "one of the finest people I've ever known."
>"Charlie's a great leader," Chang-Diaz agreed. "He takes care of his
>On the Net
>Bolden's NASA biography: [ http://tinyurl.com/2eln82

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