Good point! I forgot to mention that when they do advanced screenings of
movies they will often change things based on the audiences opinions. Some
films have had their endings reshot because the audience didn't like the

The other day I watched the movie Kingdom of Heaven and they made a lot of
changes to the movie based on the opinions of the movie company. They wanted
the film to be based on Orlando Bloom but the script wasn't really about his
character entirely. It was more about the events of the crusade featuring
several plot lines. The editors were forced to weave out a story from the
available footage of Orlando bloom which wasn't a complete one. The studio
got their wish and the movie didn't do well in the US at all.

Another thing that was cut from the theatrical release was the character of
a small boy who was the son of the princess and nephew to the king of
Jerusalem and several other characters.

I think that Hollywood's extravagant process of movie making has been
letting them down. It is easy for some directors to ask for $100-300 million
now. With that kind of money on the line it will force companies to butt in
more on the creative process.

On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 6:03 AM, Michelle Lauren <> wrote:

> I was going to add that sometimes changes are made late in production, such
> as after an advance screening. One example from what I've heard was with the
> Fantastic Four movie (I can't remember if it was the original or sequel).
> Supposedly, the audience at the movie's advance screening really didn't like
> the ending and other parts of the movie, so some parts were reshot.
> As someone else mentioned, it does make me more apt to buy the DVD so I can
> see the scenes that never made it to the theatrical release. I think with
> Daredevil that was the case, where the "cut" material ended up being better
> than the theatrical version.
> Michelle Lauren
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