As do I.

In an entirely manly way, of course.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 17:29:15 -0700
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] "Eureka" Thoughts - Joe Morton



Look ahead.  I LOVE JOE MORTON. 


From: [] On Behalf Of 

Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 2:42 PM


Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Eureka" Thoughts - Joe Morton


what gives? No other love for Joe Morton?

Surely I can't the only one who's seen "The Brother from Another Planet",
or who likes John Sayles??  :(

----- Original Message -----

From: "Keith Johnson" <>


Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 11:41:13 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Eureka" Thoughts - Joe Morton


can't stress enough how much Joe Morton brings to "Eureka". Morton's
one of those actors with a face and bearing you just trust and respect. He can
play a likeable guy, a strong leader, a tortured and confused soul. I have
followed him for years, whether it's been great turns in John Sayles
flicks--and it's saying a lot that Morton is a fav of Sayles'--having the lead
in the shortlived TV series "Under One Roof", playing a memorable
role as a former boxer turned transvestite on "New York Undercover",
or even his guest stint as Whitley's love interest on "A Different
World".  Even his bit in "Terminator 2" is memorable. The
anguish he feels at what his work has caused for the future is palpable, and I
hated to see the character die. 

It's a crime that Morton hasn't gotten the major roles and respect he deserves.
He's done a lot of stuff, but never got to that A-list on TV or film. And while
I'm really happy to see him get steady work on "Eureka", and like the
steadiness his character brings to that world, I keep hoping to see him get
some meatier roles. That's especially true as long as the showrunners seem
hesitant to give him a real life. Like I said, he's mayor now, but that angle's
not explored, and I really dislike them killing off Kim--twice.

And for those of you young 'un's who don't understand my praise of Morton, do
yourself a favor and look up his great performances in the movie "City of
Hope" (a John Sayles joint), the shortlived but well done TV series
"Tribeca" (which co-starred Carl Lumbly and Lawrence Fishburne), and
especially, the classic Sayles' film "The Brother From Another
Planet". That last, in which Morton plays an alien slave on the run, is an
amazing performance given that he speaks not a word, and must convey everything
with just his facial expressions and body language.

I wonder if the "Eureka" showrunners really understand what a great
asset they have in Morton...?

----- Original Message -----

From: "Tracey de Morsella" <>


Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 8:58:50 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern

Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] "Eureka" Thoughts


They are the best actors however, some
of the guest stars and recurring characters are also good, Frances Fisher (Eva
Thorne); and Tamlyn Tomita (Kim Anderson); and Debrah Farentino, (The
Psychiatrist) are some that come to mind


[] On Behalf Of Keith Johnson

Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 2:57 PM


Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Eureka" Thoughts



The best actors on the show are Joe Morton, Richardson, and
Ferguson. All of them are good actors, and I think they honestly rise above
material that tries to make them cliches too much. Ferguson is a stronger man
than Carter gets to be: that befuddled schtick gets old. Richardson has more
warmth and personality than her tough Allison character. Morton actually makes
Henry the most well-rounded character, a tribut to the man's phenomenal talents
(I think he's one of the most underrated and underused actors working).

But I keep noticing that even as I like the stories--and I am liking this
season--i keep seeing "types" in all the characters, main stars and
guests. They are very by-the-book at times. It's the actors that seem to rise
above it with their likeability and acting chops. They need to round out the
characterizations just a bit...

----- Original Message -----

From: "Martin Baxter" <>

To: "SciFiNoir2" <>

Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 7:39:36 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern

Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] "Eureka" Thoughts


Tracey, for a minute there in last week's ep, I thought that the
Carter-Tess storyline might be challenged by the introduction of Billy
Campbell's "Dr Manly" character, consideriung the way she was
goo-goo-eyeing him at first, and the malfunctioning baby monitor that had
Carter and Allison linked up sympathetically.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
bloody hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant



Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 22:25:49 -0700

Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] "Eureka" Thoughts



I was getting sick of the silly Fargo side plot distractions,
but last week they did not have one, it seemed more like season one (which was
my favorite), so I am starting to like it again.   Getting rid of the
sister who found everything wrong with him was a good move too.  I realize
they need conflict, but I do not think it worked with her.   I also
like that they decided to have Carter move on, if they are not going to get him
together with Alison, then let him move on.  I like the  chemistry
that he has with the new woman and that they did not pretend that he and Alison
never existed.  


I’m also had the moved away from everyone calling him stupid and
let the theme shift back to he as the commonsense guy often being the one with
the big ideas.  I get the sense that maybe they experimented and are
returning to what worked in the first place.   I did not like the 5
day stupid think either.  I’m not sure why they keep pursuing that
angle.  I hope it is a fluke.


By the way, I liked the husband on True Blood, but I think he is
just a guest star with at best re-occurring status. 


Let’s hope there are no Fargo bowling or car stories next week
and that they stay on track 


From: [] On
Behalf Of Keith Johnson

Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 8:53 PM


Subject: [scifinoir2] "Eureka" Thoughts



watching the new season of "Eureka"? I must saying I'm enjoying it,
even more than last season. I think that's because Carter is noticeably more
instrumental in solving cases than last year. Every ep so far, as the big
brains discuss string theory, M-branes, and quantum mechanics, Carter's always
the one guy in the room who cuts through the superficial coverings to get to the
heart of a problem. Indeed, one wonders how the scientists can do anything: as
smart as they are, they seem to exemplify what my mom used to say about
"Book sense, but no common sense".

Fortunately they have also toned down the Carter-is-kinda-dumb thing too.
Tracey mentioned that last year that had gotten out of hand. There are still
some moments like that, but I frankly don't think they're needed. Carter's
obviously not a supergenius, so let's lose the "Uh...English please? I'm
clueless" schtick. A couple of weeks ago, for example, Allison spoke of
the space object coming to Earth in 126 hours, and Carter looks confused.
Allison then had to amend and say "five days"! Give me a break: you
telling me Carter, an intelligent and highly competent man of the law, can't
figure that out? Again, good thing that angle is being minimized.

Some other thoughts on the show:

* I like the new lady brought in, who runs Section 5 (?) At first she irritated
the hell out of me by belittling Carter's intelligence, but I like the tender
side and sense and humour she has.   

* Good to see that Carter is falling for the new scientist. For some reason I
never really liked his love for Allison, and it's less appealing to me this
season for some reason. I say let that angle die, and let him move on.

* Anyone know why the guy who played allison's ex- and new-husband left the
show? I thought he was coming back, but here he's on "True Blood"

* When is Henry going to get a life and a love? I hate what they did by killing
off his love, and this recent--spoiler!--storyline  of bringing back a
computerized copy of her, then killing it off? WTF?!   And speaking
of that, Henry is mayor now, but doesn't seem to do any mayoral stuff. He
basically still sports the mechanics' garb, when he's not at GD running
experiments. Does he even have an office at city hall?

* Carter is sheriff, charged with keeping all law and protecting everyone in
the town, including those at Global Dynamics.  Yet he doesn't have a high
security clearance. Allison refused to discuss the oncoming spaceship with him
because of that, and that top secret section that's been reopened is off limits
to him without an escort. Okay, I guess I'm confused: if he's "only"
the sheriff, maybe he wouldn't have top secret clearance to everything at
GD.  But, more times than I can count, Carter risks his life by entering
some high dangerous lab to fight a creature of living ooze, gravity wells, etc.
In fact, Carter's the *only* person who consistently tackles these dangers, 
usually means he's finally brought in to these top secret discussions. Is it
logical, therefore, for his clearance to be relatively low?




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