It's a guilty pleasure but I can't stop watching. The weird thing is Sookie and 
Bill are my least favorite parts of the show. 

This season has been insane. If you like the Maryanne stuff it's great but if 
you don't this season has probably been a bit of a letdown. Things that I liked 
about this season:

The Hoyt and Jessica romance is sweet and funny. 

Lafayette is back to normal. 

Jason Stackhouse is insane and funny as hell. Only he could have a character 
arc like this.

Sam Merlotte and Andy Bellefleur are my favorite mismatched allies.Hearing 
drunken Andy screaming "Pig!!!" was too awesome for words.

Eric Northman is a manipulative S.O.B. and my favorite of the vamps. 

I'd like to see more Pam(Eric's second in command) on a regular basis. She's 

--- In, "Tracey de Morsella" <tdli...@...> wrote:
> You are priceless!  Beall.  I hated it at first and then it grew on me.
> Occasionally, it irkes me, so I relate to your angst about the show.  That
> being said, I love it!  Go figure 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of grayson.reyescole
> Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: True Blood!!!
> If I've said it once (yes, I'm back from the grave, people) I've said it a
> thousand times, I think I'm the only person on the planet that hates this
> show. At first I was into it, loved it, couldn't get enough of it,
> especially our rainbow coalition hard core cookslashtrick. And then... it
> just... got... on... my... last... nerve. Sookie started to make me itch,
> and so did Beall {I know it's Bill, but that's how Sookie says it. The Jason
> device got about as old as Pinellas County (it's where I live periodlically
> and get pissed off in traffic regularly, so I can definitely attest to what
> it's like living in a county with the average age of 67). And our girl who
> is alternately the angrynegro/worried about demons/sleeping with Sam also
> gets on my nerves.
> Now that I've gotten that off my chest... the answer is no, I'm not watching
> it anymore, but I am not judging anyone who does.
> --GRC
> --- In, "Tracey de Morsella" <tdlists@> wrote:
> >
> > Anybody watching True Blood? What do you think.  Warning. I'm one week
> > behind, so protect me from spoilers
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Tracey de Morsella, Managing Producer
> > 
> > The Green Economy Post
> > 
> >
> > 
> > tracey@
> >
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