He was a real surprise as the "Bear Jew." I couldn't believe he was the same 

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "ravenadal" <ravena...@...> wrote:
> http://ochel.notlong.com
> Working Both Sides of the Camera
> By Michael O'Sullivan
> Washington Post Staff Writer
> Friday, August 21, 2009
> Don't make the mistake of calling Eli Roth's role in "Inglourious Basterds," 
> the new World War II-era drama from Quentin Tarantino, small.
> Roth's character of Sgt. Donny Donowitz, one of an elite, all-Jewish unit led 
> by Brad Pitt that terrorizes and kills Nazis, is a meaty one, even if it's 
> not the largest in the film. Known for his unorthodox weapon of choice -- a 
> baseball bat -- Donny goes on a memorable killing spree at the climax of the 
> film, a climax that's so over-the-top, so off-the-wall that it's safe to say 
> that few will need to consult Wikipedia to verify that history really didn't 
> turn out that way.
> In other words, typical Tarantino.
> "There is no small role in a Tarantino film," says Roth, who spoke by phone 
> about the movie. "I wouldn't call Floyd in 'True Romance' a small role. I 
> wouldn't call Christopher Walken's role in 'Pulp Fiction' a small role. There 
> are good roles and bad roles. And Tarantino writes great roles."
> It's a part Roth says he auditioned for with a cameo in Tarantino's 2007 
> "Death Proof." According to the 37-year-old actor (who's better known as the 
> director of the gory horror films "Cabin Fever," Hostel" and "Hostel II"), 
> Roth's acting made a lasting impression on his director. "We were doing one 
> or two takes, and it was not taken very seriously, as it was grindhouse. It 
> was just supposed to be having fun. But [Tarantino] said, 'You nailed it.' He 
> goes, 'You nailed my dialogue. I can always cut to you, every take, every 
> time. You got it perfect.' "
> This time around, Roth wanted to knock it out of the park. When he saw just 
> how prominent the part of Donowitz was in the "Basterds" script, he was 
> floored. "I was, like, 'Jesus! This is one of the main guys. He's in every 
> scene with Brad Pitt -- nearly every scene. He's his right-hand man.' I said, 
> 'Look, if I'm going to do this, I've got to bring my A game. If Quentin has 
> faith in me that I can do it, I have to push myself harder than I ever have. 
> I have to be like Robert De Niro or something."
> And how.
> Roth bulked up for the part, putting on nearly 40 pounds of muscle, he says. 
> He also spent time in his native Boston, interviewing Jewish veterans of 
> World War II. "You've got to look in this guy's eyes," Roth says of Donowitz, 
> "and see all the pain and the anger and the fury he's carrying around with 
> him."
> But his real role model isn't a thespian like De Niro. Rather, Roth looks for 
> inspiration from Ben Stiller, who has built a career not just around acting, 
> but also writing, directing and producing. All Roth's hard work on this film 
> -- he also directed the black-and-white film-within-a film that is a lynchpin 
> of the "Basterds" plot -- will only pay off when people start seeing him as 
> someone who can do it all, both in front of and behind the camera. "I talked 
> to Quentin about that," Roth says, recalling what his friend and mentor told 
> him. He said Tarantino said: " 'Now you have permission to write great parts 
> for yourself, and no one's going to give you [expletive] about it. . . . 
> Because you've proven you can go toe to toe with the best, and you've held 
> your own against Brad Pitt.' "
> If Roth is still a little touchy about his acting chops, he gets even more 
> defensive when asked about being pigeonholed as the chief purveyor -- maybe 
> even the inventor -- of the film genre known as "torture porn," through the 
> three features he has directed and the raft of violent copycat films that 
> have followed.
> "It's not that I set out to make that genre," he says, sighing, "but that's 
> what people call it. And people rip me off. Look, imitation is the highest 
> form of flattery, and if people are ripping you off, it means you did 
> something right." As further evidence, Roth cites the fact that French critic 
> Jean-Francois Raugier of the newspaper Le Monde identified "Hostel" as the 
> best American movie of 2006. His work is also the subject of college courses, 
> Roth notes, and academic dissertations about the "subtext" of the 
> blood-drenched films.
> When told just how funny that sounds, though, Roth really let's loose.
> "I don't know why that's funny," he says, growing agitated. "Why is it 
> surprising? It's surprising because people that use the term 'torture porn' 
> think that they're stupid movies. And the people that watch them and actually 
> think about them, and think about what they're about, and analyze them 
> realize that they're much smarter and much more subversive than most people 
> give them credit for. So it's only funny to you because you've never thought 
> about them that way."
> Okay, okay. Maybe Roth really does have a career as an actor ahead of him. 
> For a minute there, he was starting to sound just like Joe Pesci in 
> "Goodfellas."
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