I remember, with lingering horror, the boost that the original "Batman" gave to 
the comics' sales. At the time, I was a faithful reader of all of the 
Bat-titles, and the comics store I frequented at the time never had a shortage 
of them (not really a problem for me since, because of my yearly membership, 
all of my books were pulled and set aside in a folder for me alone). The first 
Wednesday after the movie came out, I went to my store, only to find it crammed 
to capacity with people, all looking for Bat-books. I had four offers to buy my 
books at several times their value. Didn't take any of them, more because I was 
insulted by the offers. To me, comics aren't like stocks. They're treasures.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: ravena...@yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 14:08:07 +0000
Subject: [scifinoir2] Loved the Movie; bought the t-shirt; snubbed the book



America Saw the Movies But Missed the Books

Comic Publishers Are Losing Out

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The film "Iron Man 2" isn't set to come out until next summer, but you would 
never have guessed that from a recent issue of Entertainment Weekly featuring 
Robert Downey Jr. summoning all the gravitas a man in red plastic can muster.

To be fair, the magazine was covering the cinematic buzz coming out of the San 
Diego Comic-Con last month. The gathering served as a marketing vehicle for 
upcoming movies, including "Jonah Hex" and "Iron Man 2." But when people 
weren't gawking at Megan Fox ("Jonah Hex") and Scarlett Johansson ("Iron Man 
2"), they may have taken in a panel with comics writers. After all, Comic-Con 
started as a way for comic fans to buy, sell and discuss the objects of their 

But the celebrity dazzle obscured the strange reality: Movies based on comic 
books often turn into box-office hits, but their sources rarely see a related 
boost. Why? And why aren't comics publishers doing more to sell their material 
to moviegoers when their business has been dampened by the recession?

Take this year's cinematic entry into the comics genre, "X-Men Origins: 
Wolverine." Despite middling reviews, the movie has grossed $365 million 
worldwide. When the movie came out in May, Marvel Comics' Wolverine title 
nabbed the No. 3 and No. 5 spots on the monthly single-issue comics best-seller 
lists, according to Diamond Comics Distributors. It sold 170,399 issues. But by 
June, the title's sales had dropped 62 percent, and there were fewer copies 
traded than the 86,000 sold in the month before the movie's release.

Marvel's not the only one to miss the movie moment. Rival industry titan DC 
Comics is home to Batman. In July 2008, "The Dark Knight" gave the Batman 
titles a boost, but it was only temporary: By the same time this year, the 
original series was on hiatus, thanks to DC Comics' decision to kill off the 
title character. There's a replacement Batman series -- Battle for the Cowl -- 
but that's a little like asking someone to embrace Rex the Wonder Dog after 
they've watched a Superman movie.

Entry Costs

The daunting task of diving into a story that is already underway is one reason 
moviegoers stay away. Unlike the authors of Harry Potter or Twilight books, 
comic publishers keep developing their franchises' story lines as they're 
shaped for the big screen. Customers expect their monthly fix. Plus it's 
hard-baked into their business model. Comics podcast host Brian Eison points 
out that Marvel's and DC's sales are pegged to series plotted for years at a 
time. Since the publishers have sunk capital into these series, it makes no 
sense for them to alienate their core base by suspending or rewriting series to 
tie in to a movie.

But it's equally senseless to waste the opportunity to cultivate new readers. 
If someone were to walk out of "Wolverine" and into a comic shop, they would 
have no idea what to read, given the character's colorful back stories. And a 
neophyte comics reader is at the mercy of the shop employee for 
recommendations, because there are few clear entry points. Plus, there aren't 
many comics titles aimed squarely at new readers.

Introductory comic books might make a real difference in easing beginners into 
comics. When the first Iron Man movie came out in May 2008, Marvel launched a 
new title, Invincible Iron Man. The first issue sold 105,833 copies, something 
only a handful of comics titles achieve every month. The next month, sales had 
slid 35 percent, in a typical drop-off after the first issue. A year later, 
sales were holding steady in the low 50,000 range. This is good news: That 
readership is still larger than that of any Iron Man title before the movie.

Plus not all American comics revolve around the exploits of people with tights, 
capes and superpowers. These comics herald the next wave of comics-based movies 
and offer an opportunity for moviegoers to reassess the graphic novel medium. 
Perhaps inspired by the 58 percent profit netted by "Ghostworld," or the 78 
percent seen by "Wanted," studio execs are now casting about for the next 
non-superhero comic property to spin into multiplex gold. For comics, cinematic 
precedent may open the door to more books that reshape the public's perception 
of a comic book. Hollywood producers will still get the benefit of field-tested 
plots -- but won't necessarily have to spend millions of dollars on special 

Dark Horse Comics may be the model for the future. The No. 3 publisher behind 
DC and Marvel has quietly cultivated a three-year production deal with 
Universal. Its non-superhero comics have led to a string of box-office smashes 
-- "Hellboy," "Sin City," "300." More crucially, Dark Horse is showing that 
adaptation flows two ways: It holds the rights to spin off comic book 
adaptations of movies, including "Alien," "Star Wars" and "The Terminator," and 
it publishes the comics spun off from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Xena: 
Warrior Princess."

This isn't to say that the future of comics rests in someone writing a 60-panel 
adaptation of "The Bachelorette." Comics publishers will continue to produce 
original work because it's what they went into business to do. Plus, it's a 
cheap way to launch a multimillion-dollar movie franchise. Paying a writer, a 
penciler, a letterer and a colorist to launch a comic book is comparatively 
cheap. And continuing a comic series allows a story line to acquire the depth 
and richness that informs good movie adaptations.

Ask Marvel: Although its comic sales are down, it recently raised the low end 
of its full-year earnings forecast. The company now expects to make at least 
$465 million in revenue this year -- and for that, you can thank the movies. 





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