A couple of issues only, rave. Still intending to pick up the trade.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: ravena...@yahoo.com
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 12:08:23 +0000
Subject: [scifinoir2] Comic book comes to big screen in "Surrogates"


                  Anybody read the Surrogates comic book series?



Clerk hits gold with Surrogates

01:00 AM EDT on Friday, September 25, 2009

By Roger Moore

The Orlando Sentinel

Robert Venditti was working in a Borders bookstore when he wrote The 
Surrogates, now a film starring Bruce Willis.

ORLANDO, Fla. — Like a lot of young men, Robert Venditti went to college with 
big dreams.

"I was going to be the next Hemingway," he says.

As he earned his bachelor of arts degree from the University of Florida and a 
master's degree from the University of Central Florida, he figured out "you 
can't just graduate from college and apply for a job as a fiction writer."

Law school was out. He had a taste of that in a summer job "and realized it 
wasn't the life for me."

But there was that part-time job, the one that started in South Florida and 
moved to Altamonte Springs and then Winter Park, Fla., as he attended grad 
school. He worked at Borders Books, and that changed his life. That's when 
Venditti first picked up a comic book.

"I thought, like a lot of people, that comics were just a juvenile medium," 
Venditti, 35, says from his home in Atlanta. "But my buddy Marques Robinson got 
me to read Astro City: The Confessor. The complexity of the ideas, the 
characters, the way the visuals help tell the story, really appealed to me. I 
started researching comics, trying to figure out how you got to write for them."

He figured it out, all right. In 2003, Venditti's comic-book series The 
Surrogates hit stores. Entertainment Weekly called this tale of people who live 
vicarious lives through their artificial (and artificially gorgeous) 
"surrogates" "a resplendently grimy commentary" on our times.

Venditti's success could reach a whole new level on Friday as Surrogates, a 
thriller starring Bruce Willis based on Venditti's book (with artist Brett 
Weldele) hits theaters. It's a comic-book writer's — any writer's — version of 
winning the Lotto.

"The minute I heard Bruce Willis was cast was the first moment I allowed myself 
to hope that this might actually get turned into a movie," Venditti says with a 
laugh. "A producer who had just hung out his shingle called me up [Max 
Handelman]. He shopped it around, ran into a studio guy who had just seen Sin 
City and wanted `something edgy, comic-booky' like that. So Mandeville Films 
got involved, then Jonathan Mostow (director of U-571, Terminator 3), with 
screenwriters from Terminator 3.

"I've been involved, at least in the loop," he says. "I looked at it from the 
perspective that these other people were creative minds in their own right. If 
they're inspired by something I did to bring their own creativity to it, I'm 
taking that as a compliment and letting them do what they want. They were 
staying true to the themes and adding their own ideas and plot lines and 
characters. You know they're going to add explosions. That's Hollywood."

Venditti's Borders-to-Hollywood story should be an inspiration to anyone hoping 
to break into comics. He worked his way in the door with a tape gun.

"I'd moved to Atlanta, transferred to a Borders up here, and I'd heard of this 
comic-book company, Top Shelf Productions, that was having a rough patch," he 
says. He offered to come in and use his expertise packing books as a volunteer. 
A few months of that and he showed the company his idea for a comic, one 
inspired by Indra Sinha's book, The Cybergypsies, which he had read in grad 
school at UCF.

"Sinha studied people addicted to the Internet. Obsession with alternate 
reality was causing divorces, people were losing their jobs. By 2002, all these 
`extreme makeovers' were all over the media. What if there was a technology 
that allowed people to fulfill that basic human need to be someone other than 
yourself? What would that world look like?"

With the huge fanbase for the online alternate-persona game Second Life and 
James Cameron's film Avatar hotly anticipated this fall, Venditti seems ahead 
of the curve.

"That's just another happy accident," he says. "That idea is just out there 

His Surrogates was such a success that he just released a prequel — Flesh & 
Bone. He has another comic, The Homeland Directive, in the works, and is 
adapting the novels of Percy Jackson (The Lightning Thief) into a comic. If he 
hasn't given up his Hemingway dreams, Venditti does sound very much like a man 
who is sold on his new medium:





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