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Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 17:14:17 +0000
Subject: [scifinoir2] Joss Whedon: "I'll Be Back...With a Check for $10,000!"




'Buffy' creator bids $10,000 for 'Terminator' franchise

By Grace Wong for CNN

Creator of "Buffy" makes $10,000 bid for rights to multi-million dollar 
Terminator franchise

London, England (CNN) -- Film-maker Joss Whedon says he wants to buy the rights 
to the multi-million dollar "Terminator" franchise -- not for millions, or 
hundreds of thousands of dollars, but for ten grand.

That's right, $10,000.

The "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" creator made the unlikely bid in an open letter 
to the owners of the franchise posted on fan site Whedonesque.

After four movies and a TV series, the franchise does not seem to pack the same 
punch as it once did at the box office.

This year's "Terminator: Salvation" starring Christian Bale took in $371 
million worldwide, according to

By comparison, 2003's "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines," which, unlike its 
sequel, did at least feature Arnold Schwarzenegger, took in $433 million.

Nevertheless, rights to make new Terminator films are expected to garner more 
than $60 million at auction, as first reported by the Financial Times.

The rights to make future "Terminator" movies, TV shows, games and DVDs are 
being auctioned after current owner Halcyon sought bankruptcy protection. 
Halcyon paid $25 million for the rights two years ago.

FTI Consulting, which is managing the auction, told CNN that major film 
studios, independent producers and investment funds are all following the sale.

Whedon's bid may be far fetched, but the letter -- written in 
characteristically irreverent style -- has bloggers and fans wondering just how 
serious he is about reworking the franchise.

New York Magazine's Vulture blog referred to Whedon as being a "facetiously 
interested" bidder while fans on Whedonesque offered to pitch in for the cause.

One fan commented: "Hey, I've got... let's see... $14.85 right here. I'll 
gladly add it to the pile of anyone who'll bring us some more proper 

In his letter, posted on Monday, Whedon writes: "The 'Terminator' story is as 
formative and important in our culture -- and my pretend play -- as any I can 
think of. It's far from over."

Whedon, the force behind the "Buffy" and "Angel" TV series, as well as the 
short-lived "Firefly" and new show "Dollhouse," outlines six apparently jokey 
ideas for the franchise in the letter.

He writes: "Christian Bale's John Connor will get a throat lozenge. This will 
also help his Batwork (ten grand for that franchise too, btw.)"

Whedon also suggests sending a Terminator to Middle Earth, who helps because 
"he's a cyborg and he doesn't give a s#&% about the ring -- it has no power 
over him!"

But Whedon, who wrote the memorable "Once More, With Feeling" musical episode 
of "Buffy," draws the line at incorporating song into the "Terminator" concept.

"Can you say ... musical? Well don't. Even I know that's an awful idea," he 

But under his direction, "the movies will stop getting less cool," Whedon 

Kevin Shultz, senior managing director at FTI Consulting who is leading the 
deal, told CNN that he was not aware of any serious proposal made by Whedon.

Whether a $10,000 bid would be even considered in an auction expected to fetch 
tens of millions, Shultz said: "The numbers speak for themselves."

And Whedon, who ranks high in geekdom, admits he may not be a serious contender.

"... Mostly, it's just me being a dumb-ass, because that seems to be what I do 
best -- I'm not even very good at that. So, no, I do not think they're going to 
call me and say 'Congratulations! We'll have that $10,000 now,'" he told

But there is a sincerity of sorts behind his far-fetched bid.

"I adore the franchise. I literally did learn a huge amount from that 
[franchise]. ["The Terminator"] came out when I was in college, and I was like, 
This is how you construct a story. It's very important to me. That part was 
true. The part where I think I'm going to get it, not so true," he was quoted 
as saying.



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