Cool science stuff.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: World Science 
To: emailn...@world-science.net 
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 5:22 AM
Subject: World Science: Do black holes zap galaxies into existence?

* Do black holes zap galaxies into existence?
Astronomers say they may have solved a long-debated
chicken-and-egg problem.


* From chimps, new clues to language origins:
Chimps seem to use the left half of the brain to
communicate with gestures -- just as humans do to
talk, researchers have found.


* Particle smasher becomes world's most 
After a year of troubles, the Large Hadron Collider
is back.


* Our oceans, extraterrestrial material?:
A conventional view that the atmosphere and oceans
came from vapors emitted during volcanism may be
wrong, a study says.


* America's food waste laying "waste" to 
Food waste contributes to global warming,
researchers warn.


* How could they? Poop-eating apes prompt 
quest for answers:
Nature can be beautiful. Elegant. Graceful. But 
not always.


* Video shows Saturn's northern lights:
* Scientists make plastic without using 
fossil fuels:
* Road rage? Gas fumes may heighten 
* Blame game is "contagious":
* Dung evidence exonerates humans in 
mammoth mystery:
* Lunar water "confirmed":
* Stars' chemistry could give away 
planetary presence:
* Ants could inspire military strategies:
* Language learning may start in womb:


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