9 was terrific!

Ink sounds good.

  9 - 
  I don't remember seeing 9 on anyone's list this year, so I thought I would 
give it some props. I just spent the evening watching this film and thought 
that it was an interesting rewrite of an old theme with beautiful artwork, and 
interesting characters. 9 was born into a post apocalyptic world where the 
machines had taken over and killed off most of mankind. Basically finishing the 
job that Skynet could not. 9 is a good multi-genre film mixing post apocalyptic 
scifi, with a family Disneyesque theme.

  More info here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0472033/

  Ink - 
  This was a low budget indie film ($250,000) that was made outside of the 
Hollywood system. Ink is about what happens in the dreamworld. When we are 
asleep two opposing forces emerge to fight over what we will dream. The light 
gives us good dreams, and the incubus that gives us nightmares. The two sides 
go to war after a little girl is kidnapped in the dream world by Ink (a wannabe 
incubus). This movie is a mix of mystical, and the matrix (there are some good 
martial arts scenes). I could see this movie made into a series on BBC. It is 
available on DVD and bootleg. (The company said that they are comfortable with 
the downloading.) 

  More info here; http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1071804/

  Hardwired - 
  Hardwired stars Cuba Goodin Jr. as the lead role, Val Kilmer, and a few other 
faces that you may recognize in a "near future" film where the bank bailouts 
have failed and the entire world is owned by corporations such as Mc Donalds, 
and Microsoft. (Mc Donalds owns the Hoover Dam, and Pepsi owns the moon.) Cuba 
plays a man that finds himself with amnesia after a car crash. To save his 
life, his sister gives permission for Cuba to have an experimental operation 
that places a chip inside his brain. 

  I wanted to like this film, but there was a lot of tacky elements to it. One 
is Val Kilmer's hair. The other is unexplained inconsistencies with Cuba's 
fighting skills. I guess with a little tweaking this could be a good superhero 
origin story.

  Overall it reminded me of a made for the Syfy channel movie with a higher 
budget. The story gave me the feeling that it should have been written in the 
1980s. (Like parallel to Robocop.) The special effects looked a bit dated as 
well although this movie was made this year. Oh how the mighty have fallen... 

  Check out 9 and Ink!



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