You're right, i guess it's about the money. And that, boys and girls, is why 
the TV model we've had since the '50s is going to die a slow death. I'm 
old-fashioned enough to *like* watching movies and TV series at set times. 
DVR's, VCRs, and Hulu aside, i find it comforting to know that Stargate or a 
movie-of-the-week is on at a set time.  But moves like this make me go 
elsewhere. If SyFy is so full of crap they can't give us good programming, then 
yeah, I'm gonna go the DVD/On Demand/Internet route.   In time, I'll wonder why 
i'm paying for cable that doesn't fulfill my needs. That makes me sad, but what 
are you gonna do? 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "marian_changling" <> 
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2010 3:33:15 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: David Tennant Doctor Who Marathon starting at 


If you put it that way, I understand why.  they probably don't have to pay much 
for The Twilight Zone and Mork&Mindy.  They existed before the Actors Union 
made certain that actors got a piece of the rerun money. 

Ghost Hunters is a pseudo-reality show, isn't it?  It's cheap.  

I don't have comcast.  I have to see if Cox Communications includes an ondemand 
channel for BBC America.  they did not the last time that I looked.  

--- In, Keith Johnson <keithbjohn...@...> wrote: 
> Wait. Wait. Wait a minute. 
> You're telling me the much-hated Ghost Hunters pulls higher ratings than Dr. 
> Who??? You're saying the Saturday night SyFy Original dreck with the horrible 
> CGI and laughable plots hold more viewers than a good Dr. Who ep?  That the 
> Mork and Mindy all day marathon they recently ran is more popular than Chris 
> Eccleston or David Tennant's efforts? That two day airings of the original 
> Twilight Zone (which I still enjoy) is more profitable than practically new 
> eps of the Doctor? I sat for two days and OD'd on the Doctor Who stuff. I was 
> remined again how only the Brits can mix near camp, silliness, and real drama 
> and make it work. I thoroughly enjoyed the marathon.  SyFy ran a DW marathon 
> last year, bu thave they abandoned the series? 
> I don't know what to say... 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Tracey de Morsella" tdli...@... 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, January 4, 2010 1:44:03 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
> Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: David Tennant Doctor Who Marathon starting at 
> Midnight 
> Iread that SyFy will not be showing it because the ratings were not high 
> enough 
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: [mailto: ] On 
> Behalf Of marian_changling 
> Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 10:31 AM 
> To: 
> Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: David Tennant Doctor Who Marathon starting at 
> Midnight 
> I was really upset to see that I missed this until I noticed that it was on 
> BBC America--which I don't have anyway. 
> Do the skiffy channel decide to pick up Doctor Who again? It's still on 
> their web page, but with no dates. I watched some on the web, but I would 
> prefer to watch the last two Tennant episodes on a larger screen. 
> (Marian) 
> --- In , "Kelwyn" ravenadal@ wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > BBC America to Marathon 10th Doctor Episodes on New Year's Day and Day 
> > 
> > Ring in the new year with the Doctor! BBC America will be marathoning 
> Doctor Who episodes starring David Tennant as the Doctor starting at 
> midnight, New Year's Day through January 2nd with the conclusion of David 
> Tennant's last special, The End of Time, Part 2. 
> > 
> > It all starts at the stroke of midnight, January 1, 2010 with The 
> Christmas Invasion, David Tennant's first full story as the Doctor after 
> regenerating from the 9th Doctor played by Christopher Eccleston (from 
> Christmas 2005). Each hour after that brings a new episode. 1am - New Earth, 
> 2am - Tooth and Claw, etc. 
> > 
> > It leads up to the re-broadcast of The End of Time, Part 1 on January 2nd 
> at 6:45pm followed by a half-hour "Doctor Who: The David Tennant Special" 
> leading to The End of Time, Part 2 at 8:30pm. 
> > 
> > The latter two are repeated again at 11pm and 2am the next day. 
> > 
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