My list starts and ends with pam Grier. The rest are just pretenders.

From: Kelwyn <>
Sent: Tue, January 19, 2010 11:55:24 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] Action chicks that should (well...I'm not really into 

More Action Chicks That Should Spank Me
Monday, January 18th, 2010 |
Being dominated in the bedroom by a leather-clad chick is a pretty popular 
fantasy… and thanks to these vicious vixens, we get a good visual. These chicks 
some of the best action babes – both for their uber hotness and their 
credibility. When I see Kate Beckinsale in Underworld, i'm 50% turned on and 
50% afraid. She is good.
Summer Glau – Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles
Although I'm not sure if the Sarah Connor Chronicles are still on the air (who 
knows anymore with the cancel-happy TV executives) … but they deserve to be. 
Not only does Summer Glau make terminating (a verb?) look chic, but she is 
super hot and her body is just … wow. Apparently she got her body from being a 
ballerina for years. This leads me to the conclusion that the entire female 
population should be forced to be ballerinas at age 5.
Kate Beckinsale – Underworld & Van Helsing
As both vampire and vampire hunter, Kate Beckinsale rules. She has a kickass 
athletic body and the face of an angel – the perfect woman. Actually, I'm not 
quite convinced she isn't some super-advanced sex robot in a full-body leather 
outfit. No woman can possibly be as perfect as Kate. Say hello to my future 
wife of 2010.
Halle Berry – Catwoman & X-men
Hello, pussycat! Now, Catwoman may not have been the best movie… but I 
certainly can't stop watching it. Do you see what Halle Berry looks like in a 
leather cat outfit? Oh my God. Halle Berry deserves all of the recognition she 
gets; her breasts are gifts from heaven and she actually has some decent acting 
chops (Swordfish, Monster's Ball, etc). I think Cleveland, Ohio has only 
produced two good things: Halle Berry and LeBron James.
Angelina Jolie – Wanted, Tomb Raider, & Mr. And Mrs. Smith
Angelina Jolie certainly has a case of the awesomes going on. It seems that no 
matter what she touches, it turns to gold. All of her action roles are 
completely amazing – most notably the Tomb Raider movies. Why that, you ask? 
Well I grew up playing Tomb Raider and actually seeing Lara Croft be f'n hot? 
Let's just say I brought an extra change of pants to the movie theater.


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