Plucking British shows from across the pond and remaking them for American
audiences is not a new practice. Also not new is the fact that most of them
end in disaster. Still, anyone with half a brain knows the trend will
continue, and that we'll just have to deal with it. But the latest show to
get picked for Americanization even made me wince. 

Ready? Okay, here goes: Fox is importing
<> Torchwood, the popular
spinoff of  <> Doctor
Who, according to
d5e80b48e57c7ceb299df8e4c2b0> The Hollywood Reporter. 

The show has a solid pack of rabid fans here in the United States, and the
standalone miniseries Children of Earth delivered big-time ratings for BBC
America when it aired last year. In other words, a lot of people are going
to be very weary of the project. 

However, there is one indication that a U.S. Torchwood won't be a shell of
its former self. Series creator Russell Davies is writing the script, and
the rest of the Torchwood production team is on board for the U.S. version. 

Whereas the original Torchwood focused on a small group of operatives that
dealt with aliens on a local basis, the U.S. version will feature a branch
of the Torchwood Institute and cover more international territory. 

With Davies on board, there's an infinitesimal chance that the reboot will
actually be good. What's your hope for the series?

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