I didn't like Monster's Ball for lots of reasons. As a black man, i had no 
desire to see a movie in which one black man is on death row, a young black boy 
is verbally abused and encounters major horrors, and white bigots get to have 
sex with black women. I felt the sex scene with Berry and Thornton--which she 
found her courage to do by exposing her top in "Swordfish"--was unnecessarily 
graphic, and disturbed me in profound ways: massah getting it on with the slave 
I frankly felt it was a movie only a white guy could have written. Yeah, i know 
Lee Daniels was part of the crew, but he's got his own issues, such as his skin 
color prejudice. I felt Monster's Ball was an update on white male fantasies 
that have dogged us since slavery: white man eliminates black man, abuses black 
woman, but somehow there's something "good" to be found in their relationship. 
Right: give me more movies with black men and black women making it *together* 
in the world. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Grayson" <grayson.reyesc...@yahoo.com> 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 4:57:37 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Swordfish 

The thing is... I like everybody in this movie. Berry, Cheadle, Jackman, and 
Travolta who I am loving more and more lately (absolutely loved him in The 
Taking of Pelham 123 even though the the plot of that movie--remake or not--was 
as thin as Nick Cage's hairline) plus the very tiny roll for Vinnie Jones who I 
always like in a fight. But the movie is just... bad. 

Also is it bad that I haven't seen Monster's Ball and have absolutely no desire 
to do so. It's on my list of movies to never see. Titanic is also on this list 
as well as a few other Best Picture nominees/winners. 


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , "Kelwyn" <ravena...@...> wrote: 
> I've seen Swordfish many times. It is not good but it has charms. For me, 
> Halle's short red dress scene in Hugh Jackman's trailer is better than either 
> her lingerie scene or her topless scene (if you wanna see Halle's assets, 
> "Monster's Ball" is a better bet). I like Don Cheadle's dogged detective, I 
> like the business at the bank, the business with the bus and, IMHO, John 
> Travolta is always fun to watch. 
> ~rave! 
> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Grayson Reyes-Cole <grayson.reyescole@> 
> wrote: 
> > 
> > I don't know if this movie has ever been discussed here, but I just watched 
> > Swordfish all over again for two reasons 1) I was bored and 2) I keep 
> > thinking if I watch it again I will like it more. Neither reason was worth 
> > the effort. 
> > 
> > I'm just curious, lots of people I know like the movie and not just because 
> > they got to see Halle Berry's boobies, I'm in the minority because I don't 
> > (the only scene I like is when Hugh Jackman is explaining how he cracked 
> > the DoD, Halle Berry negates all of his explanations, then he fesses up to 
> > just being au naturel and seeing the code in his head). 
> > 
> > What do you think? 
> > 
> > Grayson Reyes-Cole 
> > http://www.graysonreyescole.com 
> > Facebook 
> > Bright Star 
> > The Builder 
> > The Prescription Playboy 
> > 

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