Wow, this is a long and frank interview. No idea what happened, but there was 
something I always liked about Murphy. I can't think of many roles she had that 
truly captivated me, but hers was a genuine presence. I think I liked her more 
from interviews, where she seemed to be a truly nice person. Her big eyes that 
looked kind of sad/tired, that unique voice, the funny lips--all combined to 
make her seem "real", not a product of the H'wood machine or plastic surgeon's 
craft. She was great in "Don't Say a Word". I guess I didn't realize the bad 
luck of its release date near 9/11. Sad she never got to reach the potential 
she had. 
No way of knowing what's true or not in the world, but I could easily believe 
she wasn't a drug addict so much as full of anxiety and worry, possibly not 
eating, which might explain her precipitous weight loss in recent years. 

[The Daily Beast] 

In an exclusive interview, Brittany Murphy’s husband Simon Monjack reveals he’s 
suing Warner Brothers for wrongful death; talks about how drug rumors destroyed 
Brittany’s career; denies rumors that he was drunk on the set of The Caller; 
and talks about Brittany’s final moments. 

The Daily Beast has learned that Simon Monjack, the much-maligned husband of 
Brittany Murphy, is only days away from filing a wrongful death action against 
Warner Brothers, claiming that the studio is responsible for the unexpected 
death of the 32-year-old actress last December. “They killed her,” he told me. 
Although the L.A. coroner’s office hasn’t released a final cause of death, 
Monjack and Brittany’s mother, Sharon, who also spoke to me, are convinced that 
the once-promising star died of a heart attack from the stress caused by Warner 
Brother’s cancelling of a contract just two weeks before she died. Murphy was 
excited to have begun production on the sequel to the animated hit Happy Feet, 
but when she was fired by Warner Brothers, Monjack says, “She was devastated.” 

A month before the Warner Brothers’s decision, Murphy had been let go from The 
Caller, a film shooting in Puerto Rico, and replaced with Twilight star 
Rachelle Lefevre. There were rumors that Monjack—who did Brittany’s hair and 
makeup—had been so difficult on the set, sometimes showing up drunk, that the 
producers had let her go. One Hollywood executive told me that the studio had 
been looking for a reason to dismiss Brittany since Lefevre was a much hotter 

“Every story needs a villain, and everyone has decided it is me,” Monjack says. 
“The reports about the Puerto Rican set are fantasy. I was never, ever drunk 
there. What I did do was demand they follow union rules and after she had 
worked 12 hour days, six days a week, that she get the breaks she was entitled 
to. I was ‘difficult’ because I was the enforcer to protect Brittany. She was 
far too nice to stand up to directors and producers who wanted her to work to 

Sharon Murphy, Brittany’s mother, visited the Puerto Rican set frequently. 
“Simon protected Brittany,” she says. “That is the role he assumed after they 
married and it’s why a lot of people in Hollywood can’t stand him.” 

If they didn’t like Monjack before, his imminent Warner Brothers lawsuit isn’t 
going to endear him to the Hollywood power brokers. “It’s a cruel town,” he 
says. “Warner Brothers relied on conjecture and hearsay about the Puerto Rico 
film for why they cancelled Brittany’s role in Happy Feet. You’re disposable as 
an actress or actor.” Monjack described for the first time the morning Brittany 
died in his Hollywood Hills house. She had gone to the bathroom shortly before 
8 a.m. “That was her comfort zone in our very huge home,” he says. “It was the 
only Brittany-sized room.” There was a small table, and she often spent hours 
there. When her mother went to talk to her, she found her laying on the floor 
unconscious, and yelled out for Simon. “I came running in. I immediately 
started doing CPR.” Sharon remembers that the 5’3” Murphy, at barely over 100 
pounds, seemed so very tiny as her 6’2”, 235-pound husband worked on her. 

“I felt a tiny heart beat,” Monjack told me, his voice cracking over the phone. 
“I was pushing with the heel of my hand. And every second I pushed, I felt my 
hand become stronger and her heart weaker. And then it stopped. And I kept 
pushing. She died in my arms. I knew she was dead.” 

By the time EMT crews arrived, Monjack and Sharon had been crying and at times 
almost hysterical. Later a neighbor would describe him as seeming “out of it,” 
wandering back and forth in front of their house shoeless, in shorts and a 
t-shirt. “I hope no one ever has to go through what I did,” he says, “to lose 
the love of your life in front of your eyes. I was out of it? You bet. It was 
all a surreal nightmare.” Later, Monjack would ask the doctors at the hospital 
not to do an autopsy. “It was nothing sinister at all. I just looked at 
Sharon’s grieving face, and there was no way either of us wanted them to cut 
open this perfect 32-year-old girl. It wasn’t about hiding anything; it was 
just the horror of thinking of what they would do to her body.” 

“I have been in a Fritz Lang film for the past three weeks,” he tells me. It’s 
not surprising that Monjack thinks he’s been in a film from the famed German 
director dubbed the “Master of Darkness.” After Brittany’s death, rumors soon 
spread about whether she had been a drug user, and a series of articles slammed 
him as “Conjack.” He was portrayed as a nefarious Rasputin who had ruined 
Murphy’s promising career while chasing away her loyal friends. “I’ve been 
grieving for my wife at the same time I’m reading on the Internet crazy stories 
like I robbed old women of their pensions.” 

“I was never the right guy to marry Brittany,” he says. “She was supposed to 
marry a young dashing star with a million-dollar smile. She wasn’t supposed to 
end up with a balding, heavy guy who doesn’t play by their rules.” In 2003, the 
tabloids had reported she was engaged to Ashton Kutcher. In 2005, she was 
engaged to Jeff Kwatinetz, the dashing founder of one of the most successful 
Hollywood management companies, The Firm. Simon Monjack certainly could not 
compete with Kutcher or Kwatinetz for looks or entertainment industry power and 
buzz. Raised in an Orthodox Jewish family, Monjack told me he was on the cover 
of a London newspaper when he was only 10. “Britain’s smartest child,” was the 
headline, about how the youngster had scored a then record-breaking 182 on an 
IQ test. (Albert Einstein’s IQ is estimated between 160 and 180.) He says he 
had earned a doctorate from UCLA in philosophical aesthetics, specializing in 
deconstructionism and post-expressionism. He also boasts that he made a small 
fortune in trading currencies and having the good luck of buying over 100 
paintings from a group of then unknown British artists, including Damien Hirst, 
Sarah Lucas, and Michael Yandy, among others. Although Monjack was described 
invariably in the press after Brittany’s death as a writer, producer, and 
director of tiny films, he says that was never how he earned his money. “My 
photography, it’s a wonderful hobby that I hope to take up as a career.” 

What about the charges about him? Litigious? “I am tough. I litigate when 
somebody does something wrong to me. That’s one of the reasons I make enemies.” 
Did he owe a bank half a million? “Yes, I had guaranteed a person’s overdraft, 
and they ran up $500,000, and I paid it.” 

What of actress Jaime Pressly who says that after Brittany married, the two 
actresses stopped speaking? “She was never even a friend of Brittany, and she 
had never met me. Not once.” The rumors that his November 29 hospital 
admission, right after he stepped off a plane, was drug related? “It was a mild 
heart attack. Nothing to do with drugs. But why should facts get in the way of 
a good story?” 

And the strong charges by Factory Girl director George Hickenlooper, who said 
that Monjack was “a con man and a bad guy” who had “sued his way onto the 
project for a title.” “Hickenlooper is a liar. I sued my way into credit over 
plagiarism. He’s a hack who’s never grossed over a few million on a movie. He 
lives in some awful flat in Hollywood, and I drive three cars and had a 
gorgeous wife. Failure breeds jealously.” 

The oft-repeated story that he was a conman looking to live off a rich actress 
has especially stung him. 

“I spent over a million on her engagement rings,” he told me. “And probably $3 
million on clothes.” 

“$3.5 million,” interrupts Sharon, standing nearby and listening to the 
conversation. “When Brittany died she had 60 pieces of unworn Louis Vuitton. 
The dog had Louis Vuitton. This was all me. We kept our money separate. When I 
took Brittany out shopping, I paid for everything.” Their sprawling, 
multi-million dollar home, where they lived together with Sharon, was his. 

And he bristles at the suggestion that he was the ruination of her career. 
“Brittany’s films had grossed $100 million before she met me,” he says. “But 
her career had ended before then.” Her acclaimed roles in Clueless (1995) and 
Girl, Interrupted (1999) were years before Monjack arrived. A performance that 
many insiders thought might revive her career, Don’t Say a Word, had the bad 
luck of being released the week of 9/11. “She had gone through four or five 
agents by the time we met,” Monjack says, “and she had made a lot of indies 
that went straight to video. She hadn’t earned millions in years, and when we 
met she was struggling financially, from a series of bad investments. She 
trusted some people who she shouldn’t have. There are people in Hollywood 
living off of young successful boys and girls and getting them to invest in 
things they shouldn’t.” 

Monjack believes that Murphy’s career was stopped cold by the failure of 2004’s 
Little Black Book. Chicago Sun-Times columnist Richard Roeper had a typically 
negative reaction when he said, “One of the worst romantic comedies of this or 
probably any other year.” The following year, Murphy, who had lost 20 pounds, 
was dogged by anorexia and drug rumors. Ted Casablanca, nee Bruce Bibby, E! 
Online’s entertainment journalist, ran a blind story in 2005 that said a 
“Jordache Junky” had had sex with a waiter in a back stairwell at a Hollywood 
bar mitzvah. Almost everyone pegged Brittany, then a Jordache model, as the 

“In all the time I’ve known her, she has never, and I repeat NEVER, done 
drugs,” Monjack told me. “Not a line of cocaine, not a hit from a joint, 
nothing. She was anti-drugs. There are no drugs involved. If any were, I would 
not be on the phone with you.” She was afraid of even drinking too much 
caffeine, adds Sharon, ever since she was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse, 
a common heart condition in which the valve doesn’t close completely. She was 
also hypoglycemic, not diabetic as widely reported. Los Angeles investigators 
took a number of prescription drugs from Monjack’s house, “but they were almost 
all mine.” Brittany took only Klonepam, he told me, an anti-anxiety medication 
prescribed to control the seizures she occasionally had. And Sarafem, a drug 
approved for mood swings during a woman’s menstrual cycle. “The drug rumors 
made her lose roles, I’m sure,” says Monjack. And they took a toll on her, he 
says, depressing her and making her fret that she might not find a comeback 
vehicle. “All she wanted to do was to make movies. She was waiting for the role 
that would revive her career, waiting for the call from Penny Marshall or Gary 
Fleder, people she had worked with before, that they might remember how 
talented an actress she was and call with a new magical role.” 

But that call never came. Instead, her last gig, the voice of Gloria in the 
animation film from which Warner Brothers dismissed her, was paying her $10,000 
a day, with a five-day minimum, and the possibility of some box office bonuses. 
It was a long way down from being touted years earlier as part of Hollywood’s 
young emerging elite. “There’s always some new girl getting off a bus,” says 
Monjack. “In Hollywood, girls like Brittany are disposable.” Since her death, 
he’s launched The Brittany Murphy Foundation, focused on the arts, education 
for children, and cancer research. “I’ve put a million dollars into escrow to 
fund it,” he claims. “Of course, that won’t get news. It doesn’t fit my image 
as a bad guy.” 

Finally, Sharon grabs the phone from Monjack. “I loved my daughter more than 
life itself,” she told me. “Simon was her soul mate, the love of her life. They 
don’t understand that in Hollywood because it was something real.” 

Gerald Posner is The Daily Beast's chief investigative reporter. He's the 
award-winning author of 10 investigative nonfiction bestsellers, on topics 
ranging from political assassinations, to Nazi war criminals, to 9/11, to 
terrorism. His latest book, Miami Babylon: Crime, Wealth and Power—A Dispatch 
from the Beach, was published in October. He lives in Miami Beach with his 
wife, the author Trisha Posner. 

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